Does reporting players work properly?

I reported a group of 5 bots going into Strat on Heartseeker US 2 days ago. I also sent an email with details and screenshots to they are still in there farming righteous orbs after more than 48 hours.

Yes just takes time to investigate wether its a bot or multiboxing all you can do is R&R and move on ban waves do happen just not over nite.


Bot investigations can take months. Absolutely keep right-clicking and reporting your suspicions, but understand that what you see is merely a fraction of what might be going on. Blizzard will take action upon untold numbers when there’s no shadow of a doubt, rather than picking off 1-10 at a time.


It was some of the most obvious botting I’ve seen ever and they are destroying a market on our server. Should that not be dealt with quickly?

And alert the bot makers that it was detected so they can change the program for the possibly hundreds of others using the same bot? Playing whack-a-mole actually makes it harder to break the bot.


Yes, but it is important to understand a few things.

First, you are reporting your suspicions only. While you may believe them to be botting, that doesn’t necessarily mean they are or that such behavior can be easily verified. That isn’t to say that you can’t, with some accuracy, identify those that are likely using some kind of automation, but there will always be some uncertainty without specific verification being available. An account note that says “I saw them, they looked like a bot” isn’t really reliable evidence that can be verified after the fact when that person inevitably appeals the penalty.

Second, as the others have said, these investigations often can take weeks if not months. We are not only trying to properly verify if someone is using automation but we are also trying to figure out if we can either break it, block it, or verify it automatically so that we can address all those that may not be reported. Which works towards our goal of having the most impact we can.

Keep in mind that the moment we ding a bot the creator of that bot immediately tries to figure out what we found and how to better hide it. It’s a constant battle and rarely one in which once we ban a bot they are gone forever.

Additionally, the penalty for this kind of behavior is fairly severe, so we try to make sure with as much certainty as we can that we aren’t impacting legitimate players.

A lot of things “should be dealt with quickly” but that doesn’t magically happen, Mesamashstuff. Everything takes time and resources and no small amount of work to investigate and while your issue is no less important, there are a number of other botting/exploitation reports that are just as much important to address as well.

We absolutely understand the frustration, but please continue to report those that you feel may be botting. Those reports are invaluable to our hacks teams investigations.


Also please note, and I do not want to downplay your suspicions here, but you have no way of knowing they have been playing straight through, unless you have as well.

If you have been playing straight through, it is possible for them to as well, yes?

Point is we have but a small sample. Blizz, on the other hand, has it all. This is why RCR is so important. If you suspect, click it. Let them look into it. But know, just because it may look like does not always mean it is.


Righteous orbs are under 20g and are usually 30g+. They haven’t logged out since 1pm PST april 3rd (i checked when i took screenshots of them) and have only left strat to reset or post orbs on the AH. I’ll reply to this post when they go offline :slight_smile:

There’s no need to. Just right click report your suspicions. Blizzard can’t take ‘evidence’ via this forum.


Markets fluctuate, not really indicative someone is botting.


I can tell you from experience of looking into many of the claims like this, that unless you are also on 24 hours and watching them, most of the time they are often logging in and out in normal patterns. Especially patterns for someone who may be sheltering at home, as the majority of us are.

I appreciate that you are so invested, Mesmashstuff, but fixating on this won’t allow our hacks team to do more or do it faster. They will investigate within their normal guidelines and timetable.


Way to express my point more clearly, more coherently, and more concisely than I did. You should do this for a living or something. I think you missed your calling :smile: :grinning:


Simply make your report and, allow Blizzard to investigate. Like most investigations, these take time to complete. Fixating on this, is taking you away from your time in Azeroth.


You do not need to waste your time stalking other players. It is not needed. It will provide absolutely no relevant information. Report the player and MOVE ON.

Correlation does not imply causation.