Does race affect model size?

Does your race affect things like jump height, or more likely, fitting into small spaces? Like tauren vs gnome fitting into a narrow space.

Wondering if there is a difference on BFA too.

Gnomes regularly get dismounted in water everyone else rides across, because of their size. Yes being a Gnome is unfortunately, and not just because of the voice :wink:

There was for vanilla, but I’m not sure about BFA. Even human male/female are different sizes.

Wow, I thought gnomes would have the most advantage. I never thought about height affecting mounting in shallow water.

tauren couldn’t sneak past stuff as easy and they had larger hit boxes so they could be hit from further away. They also had a greater melee range.

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Tauren were also easier to hit, because of their larger hit box. (for melee)


I vaguely recall in Vanilla there was a difference.

I think melee range for all races was 5 yards, except for tauren at 8 yards.

Gnomes have bigger mounts. Im not sure why. But they do.

But besides that. I think they have generally smaller models than the rest. Gnomes can fit into some areas that others can’t.

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To sum it all up, yep, some races have a slightly different hit box/interaction due to their sizes.

For Warrior Taurens, it is a non-negligible advantage actually. Being hit from further away by melees doesn’t change much for them, but being able to hit from further away is really good against Mages or Hunters, two of your nemesis.

I don’t understand why male night elves didn’t have the same problem as tauren with fitting through small doors. They’re giants, too.

This is a hidden racial most people don’t think about.

Jump height–no. Small spaces–yes.

Biggest differences are gnomes get dismounted in shallow water in Swamp of Sorrows, taurens need to align themselves to get through doors.

Also, dwarves and gnomes can fit underneath the wagon on the west side of WSG outside horde entrance.

In some cases, tauren also needed to dismount to fit through doors other races could run through while mounted.
E.g Undercity doors at the entrance and the doors to get onto the elevators if memory serves correctly.


As a tauren, you are also likely to get targeted first in BGs.

They were smaller in the beta. When they increased their size, the mount size was not adjusted accordingly and used the current model size as a reference, so the mount grew in comparison. It’s still like this in BfA

Didn’t gnome use to drown in puddles of water before they fixed that? Not sure what patch it was or if it was just original alpha/beta.

It’s so funny when everyone else runs by a puddle and gnomes have to swim through it.

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Funny I never noticed their mounts as “big.” I just figured they were an overcompensated mecha design, very gnome like. Honestly I think Mechanostriders and Flying Machines are the only cool mounts for gnomes (they look too small on almost everything).

Would be cool if we had the original size as I’d like to see how it panned out. Alas that was beta though so it can never be. I think the proportions of the mount are fine as is, there’s no need to shrink it unless they wanted to shrink bodies back too, but that probably has as much a chance of happening as Will of the Forsaken being a passive and Humans and Forsaken talking to each other.

I’ve always very much enjoyed my gnome on a raptor.

It’s between that or Ravenlord when I mount up.


Small ponds may very well be an ocean to a gnome. And a normal door,…GL Tauren.