OK one yes obviously I’m talking about PVE Because here’s the thing PVP isn’t possible to balance.
If 16 years of playing this game has taught me anything it’s that But yes over all Is classes in PVE.
The top pvp was doing 18K The bottom was doing 11k Is with the exception of 3 specs that were PVP specs.
Is everyone felt good As for fun yet no they’re not palatins are not fun to play 2 out of the 3 specs you have for most classes are borderline worthless.
And with the harder raids coming in it’s gonna make that situation even worse oh congratulations Warriors are a little better now because they can use their bleed.
OK warlocks are a little bit better Is our paladins still trash DPS yep is the only thing you’re ever going to bring them therefore healing yep
Are you still going to bring one drew it for mark of the wild yep As far as a better raider than you yeah OK.
Because Is rating in classic as such a hard thing It was annoying and time consuming but but if a really being honest yeah executing that 1 out of one mechanic really difficult.
My Guild was small so we could never really get 40 people together so I pug rated a lot.
But I’ll say this As a fury arms Warrior I maintained the 20 man’s just fine so yeah.
The point I’m trying to get to is I think all the classes should be fun to play I’m sorry but Judging a mob and then going to auto attacking isn’t fun.
There’s a reason why they call that the AFK class and quite frankly the changes that they made isn’t going to increase it at all oh I can use contencrate now joy.
The meta isn’t going to change with the changes that blizzard is made if anything it’s going to get worse because with the harder fights.
You’re druids and paladins Lily are only going to be healers and nothing else and palli tanks well yeah that’s unhappy unless they overhaul so yeah.
Class balance in PVE because in PVP it’s not possible to have perfect balance Was perfect You had less than a 5% difference between the top DPS and the bottom dps.
And I did say what you didn’t read this part 60 talent points instead of 71 that’s 11 talent points were losing so we won’t be as strong.
And it would shake up the meta tremendously Because simply put we don’t know what it would be What’s it like for a rat powder that actually walked molten core and no they’re bringing me for my DPS.
And not just because I’m a mean class and that would be another thing the death of the memespects.
Is which I’m sure every single boomkin and ret palatin This would be very happy for