Does nobody interact anymore?

I am looking for some people to play with, a social or friendly guild that actually talks and has fun, so many guilds have like 20 people on but no one is doing anything and its completely silent.

horde or alliance doesn’t matter, also looking for someone to level with

add my b tag if interested


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Many guilds just use Discord. So chat might seem deserted.

Always check guild messages for info like that.


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It’s really easy to just not use slurs tbh


100 percent pure truth


This paragraph alone tells me everything I need to know about people who complain about being asked to be a decent person. Please stick to your musty and edgy discord server :rofl:


I would say this started long before any of this “social contract”/SJW/leftie stuff entered the news.

They added cross-realm, Looking for Dungeon, Looking for Raid, “sharding”, and similar anti-social features around ~Cata and slowly but gradually the “small-town feel” or community aspect of the game disappeared as fewer people talked to each other in-game (as a direct consequence of Blizz game design choices)

As a side-note, white-knights/anti-flyers will claim that flying being added was part of it, but nah, I can clearly remember the community still being super social from TBC into Wrath (both expansions that had flying available from day 1)


Nah flying was the first salvo in the destruction of the community feel in the game. You’re more likely to have an emergent interaction between players who are both grounded. It’s no coincidence.

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just like in real life it feels weird if youre openly looking for friends without context or situation leading to a natural bond.

it is what it is.

everyone knows that one guy that’s just trying too hard to make new friends - it’s weird vibes.


Notice how it didn’t call me wrong. It just called me a jerk.


LFD was the turning point, i think that was added in 3.3, but it was essentially the end of server communities and was a huge spike on toxic player behavior. players dont act nice when they know they will never see someone again.


Interesting that you are making a connection to “real life” here, because a lot of people in the game are like those who live out on farms far from their nearest neighbors. There is no “small town” feel, no neighbors like those cityfolk imagine everybody has. Their lives are centered around their families and their work to survive.

Everyone hates everyone now. It’s 2022!!


2 true bruther

Sounds like your special fee fee’s are hurt


If I wanna socialize I’ll go out into the real world. I dont play to socialize, I play to relax and forget about the day.


I wouldn’t say flight is entirely blameless – it did cut down on the number of chance encounters by virtue of reducing chances for those to happen (reduced travel time, alt-tab autopilot, etc) – but it was a minor scratch compared to the damage done by phasing and LFD in WotLK and crossrealm/sharding later on.

Another thing that didn’t help was trivialization of leveling content and the addition of heirlooms and boosts. Prior to those leveling was a decent driver of chance encounters but that was eliminated when everything up to current content became total faceroll and entirely soloable.

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Without lfd and lfr I couldn’t get into dungeons or raids. For me it was the best addition they added.

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Join a roleplaying server, you may or may not roleplay, but we here in Moon Guard are a vocal and fun bunch!

Heck if you WANT to roleplay, there are a massive amount of guild that’ll take you in and show you the ropes!

Just avoid our Quarantine Zone.

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Yeah, I feel the emptiness as well. Occasionally I’ll see someone shoot a message into general chat for the zone I’m in or there might even be a conversation already going on and I try to add to it when I can because I want those small social interactions too lol