Does nobody interact anymore?

I interact the problem is I get reported for being too based

Checking the guild Discord is a good recommendation, but in my experience it’s often because most of the activity outside of raiding is happening in cliques.

The only reason cross-realm LFD/LFR (those most damaging kind) ever became necessary is because Blizzard is consistently horrible at managing server populations. If they’d practiced more restraint with opening new servers and then merged or linked servers that with dwindling populations, single-realm LFD/LFR would’ve been sufficient which wouldn’t have been nearly as bad.

With single-realm LFD, group members have to live with the consequences of their actions since they’ll always be queuing with the same pool of players. They can’t act like a total butthat and get away with it because they’ll never see the same players twice like they can with crossrealm.


Most socializing (in ye olde days) was because things like Ventrilo, Discord, Twitter, etc, didn’t exist en masse. So guild chat “was” social media.

More likely, people just aren’t chatting as much. Social interactions have most shifted to Discord or other sites because the MMO space largely doesn’t serve as a good way to chat with others across multiple games.

It was definitely good for a lot of people, but came with a significant cost as well. Such is life though.

lurks quietly

Yes, the automated group-matchmaking systems like LFR are convenient, sure
 but at what cost? :thinking:

Honestly I can totally see the devs back then being “blissfully unaware” of the consequences stuff like LFD/LFR/sharding/etc would have on the social fabric of the community.

I imagine in their minds (at the time) they were thinking something like “hey, this new LFD concept will make it easier for players to find dungeon groups!” or a similar well-intentioned/warm-and-fuzzy thought process - but they had no way of knowing the unintended consequences until it was too late, and here we are in 2022 where almost no one talks to each other and the “small-town feel” of the community is gone :joy:

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It’s better than spending hours sitting in a city spamming gen chat looking for a group.

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in game not really they just sit in lfg and queue for m+ or pvp people dont even talk in my guild chat much but there are guilds that use discord.

It’s not just trade chat and fully automated crossrealm LFD/LFR that are options, you know. There’s also the in-betweens of manual group finder UI which players use day in and out to run incredible numbers of M+ keys, as well as single-realm LFD and LFR that are possibilities.

If most people are spending their in-game time doing mind-numbing chores, what is there to discuss?

lurks noisily with Jaws music while wearing a shark fin

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I’m referring to the time before lfd was added. Sitting in a city spending hours looking for a group was not fun. Lfd and lfr isn’t perfect but it’s better than that.

I hear ya man. I’m very much into the social aspect of MMOs.

Sometimes people just don’t want to talk and that’s okay.

In any case what server are you on? gOLdHaZe#1766 hit me up. I prefer alliance but I’m open to horde as well.

Ctz morning player all day on my days off

The Classic servers are built more around leveling with friends. Retail has been modified to funnel people into the end game as quickly as possible, so you’re not going to find a lot of people to group with while leveling because it’s actually more efficient to just blitz through the content solo.

For LFD maybe yeah, but I have yet to have an LFR experience that wasn’t dismal. LFR has easily wasted as much time wiping as I would’ve spent getting a pre-LFR pug raid and then some.