I did, actually:
The problem is that raiding isn’t rewarding, compared to the difficulty and time involved.
As early as Mythic Dausegne/Xymox in Sepulcher (so the 3rd boss) you’re already hitting bosses that are way, way, WAY harder than +20 keys. Like, not even close, 20’s are WAY easier. But you don’t even have to get close to +20 keys to get equal rewards to Mythic raid bosses, you only have to do 15’s. Which are trivial.
Double the loot drop rate from raid bosses.
Increase the ilvl in more stages, and earlier. Put that 285 gear on Mythic Lihuvim/Halondrus/Anduin. Increase the 3 after that even higher.
Award the 278 conduit package after beating Mythic Anduin, not Mythic Jailer.
Have skips be on a PER BOSS basis (kill the boss 4 times, you can skip it afterwards) to cut down on the huge rekill time tax.
There are SO MANY things that need to be done to bring raiding in tune with the rest of the game. It’s an archaic 17 year old system that people want to do, but Blizzard is just too occupied with making raiding a pain in the butt, for some reason.
And I post about it quite frequently. Maybe I should just copy-paste a magnum opus in every thread. Anyway, here are some tidbits:
The Great Vault is insurance. It was created to offer M+ players choices so it wasn’t just a roll of the dice on that ONE item in their weekly chest.
Raiding’s Great Vault needs to be similar insurance, but that requires a different approach.
I think the raid GV should be fundamentally different. You kill bosses, you get “Vault Points”. You pay Vault Points to unlock boxes in the Great Vault. (Again, this is for RAIDING ONLY.) And the boxes have exponentially increasing unlock prices, so you g…
As somebody who runs a CE guild:
No to 10-man raiding.
YES to Mythic raiding scaling with team size, from 10 to 30.
The worst part about raiding a fixed size like 20 is that you need more than 20 people on the roster (since people have RL things that pop up), but that when everyone is on, not everyone can play.
And telling people “you can’t play tonight” sucks.
We had the SAME issues raiding 10-man with 11 or 12 players, back in the day.
Scaling raids are good. Everything scales except Myt…
Raiding is also suffering under the same restrictions of 15 years ago, while other forms of content (notably M+) are much more generous.
Doubling the number of loot drops from all raid difficulties would be a good start. They needed to do that in BfA; they reduced the number of drops, instead. Then they wonder why fewer people are raiding, these days.
Weekly lockouts should also be on the discussion table.
Mythic end spreadsheet bosses are another issue.
And for god’s sake, reduce the amount…
It doesn’t fix anything. What does having raid teams have to kill 4 bosses they have zero interest in before they can get to what they want to do fix?
Raiding needs an overhaul. It needs better skips, more drops, fewer spreadsheet bosses, less trash, etc.
There’s just so much that needs fixing. Gearing, great vault, skips, extends, boss length, spreadsheet bosses, trash, raid sizes… it’s getting close to being darn near everything, at this point.