Does Horde have a distinct advantage in AV?

Not much you can do with scenario 3 as alliance.

You can’t out reinforce horde in any position at SHGY or south of it.

You soft cap ibgy horde can out reinforce you from their cave and retake it before it flips in 5m.

You take FWGY same thing

You take SFGY sake thing.

You take RHGY same thing

You retake SHGY the game just restarts

Horde will always out reinforce ally and then send them to SPGY when they die and out of the fight.

This is why ally always end up trapped up north with scenario 3.

This is also why the premade discord came out.

Ally tried stealth groups south and ghost walking to control a graveyard, literally every strat alliance did can’t counter the IBGY/Cave rez.

It was all outlined in the 9k thread from 2019, just read what Hawne wrote.