Not saying that to be fair, but it also has MS, RoP, Disarm, physical debuff, and very good survivability. Not necessarily sure it also needs to have amazing cc, which it doesn’t really, just the knock is not good design imo. I wouldn’t mind it being a regular knock up or have FoF be a 2 sec stun but the slow fall is terrible.
Name the amount of people that actually does anything for.
And once upon a time this was shared with leg sweep meaning monks did not have two stuns and this at the same time
Healing is so overtuned and over the top that this is not really doing too much in the grand scheme of things right now.
It was a 3 and should remain as such
Bloody Token wep is 3 ilvl lower than conq weapon. So this isn’t really a thing.
Disagree, MS is very strong, even if games go into damp, a team without MS will likely just lose to a team with MS. Happens in shuffle too, typically if you are vsing 2 people without MS and the other 2 dps have at least 1 MS, game is heavily in the favor of the MS.
Wasn’t sure what it was couldn’t remember but yea 3 would be fine.
Also dont think slicing winds should crit for ww, thing is critting for 4+ mil.
Huh? on my main shaman I have a bloody token mainhand, what Kennie said is right. The agi DW weapons are relatively cheap, so grabbing one first week is a good idea if you want to do more in the first 3 weeks. Its 10 item levels higher than the honor 1 handers/weapons. Whereas 2h specs have to either craft theres (so they lose jewelry crafts) or they wait 3 weeks for the free conq weapon, so they are stuck with a 665 weapon instead of DW specs that can have 675/665 unless they give up crafting rings/neck first week. You are comparing it to the conq weapon when you should be comparing it to the honor weapon.
Let me just stop you there.
It just shouldn’t exist honestly
Why do you say things like this with so much confidence?
Sup hypocrite, something I can do for you? Would you like to have actual discourse or you just looking to be condescending?
Based off the structure of your comment I’m guessing the latter.
There isn’t an argument to be had. You’re wrong. End of discussion.
Got it condescending, how predictable you truly are.