They just seem to be hitting a lot harder than literally any dps is atm
I agree, remove DH.
Almost as hard as fury/ww right now for ST.
It’s a top 3 melee for sure.
A little excessive comment. But my point stands.
They are doing giga damage for sure. Almost as much as ww and fury.
I would say it’s ahead of fury, but I have only fought Mvq and no other DH yet. FOTMers having a hard time choosing their spec with all the options.
If you think DH is “hitting hard” play against a WW main or a good arms that knows how to create windows. Gg’s bud
That’s not really a defense. More like an group indictment
People keep saying DH hits hard but not really. It’s pretty mid. Like A tier. And just like any other spec it can be considered S tier in the right comp. It’s not like WW right now, which is a very big problem.
Think a big issue with ww/dh’s is, they are literally unkiteable to most. (Incoming BUT MAGES/DRAGONS OMG OMG.) So them having insane damage + 100% uptime is just not really good for the game. Kinda feel like if you have super high uptime, your damage should be decent sustain / good burst. Not, high sustain consistent dmg.
No I don’t think so <3
WW mobility isn’t very good at all imo.
Let’s not cope.
Yoooooo that’s hilarious
Tbf , lock has some insane mobility for a caster just because your honor talent makes port like a 8s cd or w/e. Not mage level but you guys are very decent at making distance etc, still a target dummy for DH but you have the kit to escape and spammable fear makes me have to time glimpses zzzz
Makes it 20 second, can’t go lower than 20 second. Lock mobility is good yeah, but ww/dh still maintain a 100% uptime. Spammable fear as aff isn’t really a thing considering you gotta fake + you have to actually kick and not just let me fake myself to death.
Lot easier with destro since if you get kicked you just blast.
Didn’t Venruki make a video this expansion about getting kited by warlocks as ww?
Dhs are a plague to this game.
Yea when he had no cds
I was just about to make a similar thread, every DH I go against has overwhelming damage, not to mention their ridiculous defensive toolkit.