Does gear matter in PVP? How so?

I just started playing wow again about 3 weeks ago. I can find almost no information on how gear effects PVP in Arena vs BGs vs Open World, Rated vs random etc. I have played on and off since vanilla and I have never been this confused.

Is there any useful information out there? Just did a few battlegrounds and some random world PVP. I have no idea how to judge where my skill level is vs gear?

I also had to turn my graphics settings down to around 4 just to see what was going on. The flashiness of spell effects are way out of hand.

In Legion we had templates. Where are we at now?


There is some kind of scaling implemented but Blizz has not released any nos behind it except put out a chart which seems aimed at second graders


How do I know how to gear for PVP Do I gear for secondary stats? Highest item level?

There is no templates anymore in PvP, gear is how gear is.
The better the gear, the stronger you will be, aim for the best secondaries for your spec, with as much versatility as you want for the increased resilience.

There is a modicum of scaling in the game but it’s very strange how it interacts.

Basically speaking everything is done in percents, not values.
So if you use a Lava Burst and it would deal 20% total health damage, it will still only deal 20% health damage to a player of a lower gear.

So getting up your stats will help, more crit means you crit more, more haste means you have lower GCD/cooldowns/cast speed/DoT ticks etc.
But your relationship to the opposite player will always change, and unfortunately I don’t know what the baseline works on.

But pretty much just gear how you would in PvE, but with the versatility you want.
Ilvl doesn’t matter for scaling, and in fact the better damage you can do with lower ilvl generally speaking the better off you will be.


Well how do you do in pvp? Do you ever get 2 shot? This has been a hot debate for a while now.

gear means everything now.

  1. Get the essence(s) for your spec
  2. Get the 400+ azerite traits for your spec
  3. Focus on secondaries (unless it’s a huge ilvl upgrade [main stat])
  4. Socketed items are worth maybe 10+ ilvls with how strong secondary stats are. (Especially rings)

Scaling was a thing in early BFA
But is no longer a thing. If you queue with 150k HP. You will get destroyed.


With the removal of pvp, and pve gear vendors (courtesy of pts obtained via wins in bgs, or completing a lfr), and the addition of ‘rng’ - this game has more, or less become a joke.


There is still scaling but all rewards have also scaled up in ilvl. 395 from Bgs as opposed to 360, plus benthic gear being account wide rather than soul bound.

my tin foil hat says templates we just cant see them.


I think you’re right about this.


Don’t bother googling for the image, that’s the text form.

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Why has Blizzard not explained how this works? They have always explained how things like this work. The only explanation I could find was a twitter post with an ms paint drawing that even elementary grade school children would find useless.

Having no ability to do any theory crafting based factual numbers is really frustrating.

So far I have seen 3 different theory’s in this thread.

  • Yes there is scaling not really sure how?
  • No there is no scaling ilvl means everything
  • There is some modifying of damage and healing but not one really knows how it works?

It is ridiculous to me that we don’t have a clear detailed explanation of how this works.

Whatever system is in place so far seems ok. I just can’t get past playing a game when I don’t understand how it works.


All of the above is correct. Gear doesn’t mean much, unless it does then you’re wrecked.


gear does matter, look at the HP on a fresh 120, its around 100k. geared players will have more than double that

There is scaling, but it’s not THAT great. It’s there so that you and a couple friends your ilvl can take on someone at 400+

Let’s say I hit you with a 80k Aimed Shot. On my screen it’ll say 80k, but on your screen it’ll say ~70k - 65k. That’s the scaling for ya. You’ll still lose, you’ll just lose slower.


They’ve been pruning since mop. The explainer at hq probably got pruned as well. Now we are left with a dev that tweets us stick man drawings calling it “scaling magic” as an explanation.

Bottom line is that you want to gear your character with proper stats, gems and enchants. It makes a difference, just not a huge difference like it did in the past like in mop when my hunter could aim shot/chimera shot/kill shot kill someone without gear. Now newbies can slow their fate.

A note about gearing…

Blizz has tried to balance out secondary stats to where stat weights aren’t as drastic as they use to be. In the past, some stats held little value for classes. Now that is rarely the case. All stats are useful, just now some are better than others.
The most important aspects of gearing for pvp is azerite traits, gems, enchants, and trinkets.


Gear does and doesn’t. You must be oblivious to what you don’t see.

Hard to explain and I will go by numbers.

  1. Player A has 100k hp and player B has 200k hp.

  2. Player A has 340 ilvl and player B 390 ilvl.

  3. When player A hits player B it will say 5k on player A screen. On player B screen it says 10k.

It’s part of ilvl scaling. So, even a 110 twink cannot one shot a reg 110.

How does gear matter? Well the socket gear, traits matter, scaling is like .1 every 10 ilvl or possibly lower.

Also, if you have higher ilvl on your toon and it’s not equipped trash it or equip it. Because if u scale you are scale from your highest ilvl then technically minus what ever you don’t have equip.

It’s almost impossible to know which is the upgrade.

I noticed this after a few days playing BFA. I thought it was obvious.

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i can make it simple and say i just dont like that system. i entered a bg on my 278 rogue and had less than half the health of others. i could hardly move their health bars doing full burst.

im fine with needing to gear up i just dont want to pve for it

Yep, agreed

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