And if it does, does that mean that + weapon skill also works in pvp?
I’ve read that your defense & weapon skill are just 5 x your level in pvp. So 5 x 60 = 300 for lvl 60 pvp. But won’t humans have 305 swords and maces in pvp? Won’t a rogue with distracting dagger have 306 daggers in pvp? Because as far as I can tell, + defense gear will make your pvp defense go above 300.
As far as I’m aware: That is not true. Weapon skill in PvP is set-in-stone base max so you aren’t going into a PvP match with like 10 weapon skill of your newly equipped weapon.
Yeah so it raises your base skill up to your level maximum. It raises your 10 daggers up to 300. But does it lower your skill down to 300 if it’s already above it. Does it lower my 306 daggers (distracting dagger adds 6) down to 300 in pvp? That wouldn’t make sense if + defense items increased defense over 300 in pvp.
Players can’t use Crushing Blows nor can players receive Glancing Blows - essentially nullifying these two stats in PvP.
As far as the skill points go, I’m pretty sure you still have to manually level your weapon skills in Classic to use in PvP. I don’t remember being granted a boost to 300 when fighting other players with my first polearm, the Ice-Barbed Spear.
Also, there are mobs in Blasted Lands that allow you to AFK farm weapon skill.
Weapon skills are maxed in PvP combat, so leveling a weapon skill for PvP is relatively unimportant. When attacking an enemy player, your weapon skill will always be considered to be your level times 5 (X5), and your target’s Defense will always be treated as their level times 5 (X5) before any Defense rating from your target’s gear is taken into account.
While weapon skill does not affect your chance to hit enemy players in battlegrounds, it still affects your hit chance against enemy players in world PvP or duels. “
The bold part seems to suggest that + defense items do increase past 300 in pvp, unless I’m reading that wrong?
Caster: 3% with a 1% chance to miss/and or be resisted
Melee 2H or 1H+Shield: 5%
Melee Dual Wield: 24%
I don’t recall the exact numbers, but players have an assumed 5 x level for their weapon skill and defense skill in PVP before skill from gear talents etc.
They absolutely do. Go fight a prot warrior in full mitigation/avoidance gear (around 440+ defense). They will block, parry, dodge and you will miss just like normal.
Each point of Defense Skill gives 0.04% chance to dodge, parry, block, or be missed. In addition each point of Defense Skill above the attackers weapon skill reduces the chance for a crit by 0.04%.
Keep in mind that a player cannot dodge, parry, or block an attack from behind or while stunned. However their is still a reduced chance to be crit, and I think (would have to look it up) the chance for an attack to miss still works also.
OH kay. so some of the question was answered regarding weapon skill. But let me be more specific.
If I’m a rogue, level 60. in BG’s my base defense is 300. If I used core armor kit, on my legs and chest, giving me +6 defense. making me have 306. Will this make my 60 rogue harder to crit, or hit? will i dodge more for having +defense?
ok but what about for say a 49 twink? theres no enchants for legs, only armor kits. wouldn’t it be at least a LITTLE benificial to get a core armor kit on 49 twink legs? +3 defense in BG’s might give just a smidge more survivability yeah?