Does Blizzard still think Classic is only good because of nostalgia?

Given that the only Classic Era server that will ever get new content seems to be SoD, which has very different player power scaling than normal classic era.

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I am confused… doesn’t getting new content defeat the purpose of a classic era server?


You’ve got Classic progression servers with Cata coming up next, seasonal servers, and retail. Wrath had new features added, seasonal has new raids and spells etc. Many of the changes are from later expansions.
they don’t need to mess up Era with this junk too.


What I mean is the play style of classic, not strictly no changes vanilla.

Sorry, I’m not sure what you’re getting at here. Are you referring to spells, difficulty, leveling speed, or something else?

I do think the nostalgia ship has come and gone. If you’re playing any Classic version right now it’s unlikely because you’re taking a nostalgia trip. It’s because you think the game is an overall better experience than the other offerings.

One might argue that Classic is it’s content though, and that modern Blizzard isn’t capable of making content in the same vein. This may or may not be true. When I play SoD it does feel very Classic, much more so than WotLK, but it feels maybe closer to TBC than Era because of the new abilities. I know Blizzard has said they want to keep it close to Era in feeling though, and so mobs have been buffed to be stronger and we’ve seen several waves of nerfs to try to bring that power scaling back. Also, it’s my understanding that with gear, Warriors are once again proving to be on top, so that’s extremely Era :stuck_out_tongue:

I think this is a very interesting experiement and I’m looking fowrard to seeing where it goes. Maybe this is just what it’s going to be or maybe SoD will pave the way for some kind of Classic+. I’m not sure, we’ll see what happens, but it’s cool that this is happening at all.

Personally though, for Classic+, all I’ve ever wanted was extremely minimal class balance changes to close the gap between Warriors and everybody else, then just more stuff to do. More dungeons, more raids, even more questing zones to fill gaps that currently exist or just provide alternative leveling paths. I’d like to see a horizontal gear progression system that leaves Naxx as the pinacle of player power but just puts stuff either in between as alternatives, shaking up BiS lists, or content exclusive gear progression systems. Still, the former is more important to me than the latter. Era gameplay, classes, and abilities but new places to press your buttons in.


No, I think when the majority of people hear “classic” it means pre-cata, no dungeon finder, no ezpz solo gameplay. “Classic” means ‘classic’-mmo experience where you need go out in the world and find other people to play with in the world. Not auto-queued, not in a discord server but actually just find people in the world.

To me exploration, discovery, challenges, and the element of chaos brought on by other players is what makes MMOs good. Not auto-grouping, gambling, cosmetics, or mini-games. Hopefully Blizz understand this but, i have 0 hope. Still bought TWW though.


After the aquistion mid WOTLK when all the major QoL came for WoW like RDF and LFR it really ruined the entire genre. MMORPGs existed alongside lobby games they werent supposed to become them and I assume thats a major reason why even the most popular MMORPGs nowadays pale in comparison to the late 90s/early 2000s


I don’t look at this way. classic is or should appeal to those whom may not have experienced vanilla when it first came out.

Classic is good because the core game is good. Its the best game Blizz ever made. When they made it, Blizzard was a very well respected, standout, independent studio.

If Blizzard had their way (the old guard anyway) there would be no Classic at all. They had no interest in it and a big reason why it became a reality is because they were in danger of losing that particular IP just like they did with DotA (moba).

Word on the street was “Classic” was going to play to a tiny minority and be dead inside three months. So it worked out for everyone I guess.

As far as Blizz goes they just care about money so who really cares what they think.

I don’t think nostalgia has anything to do with why classic is still around. It’s around because they sold clones for it.

Classic is a completed game, what ‘new content’ do you want to add to it?

will Chess ever get a third playable color or a new piece?

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Third Estate out here toppling towers, chasing off the clergy and arresting aristos. Pawns no more!

But yeah.
Let the multiple modes remain distinct. They don’t all need barbershop, tmog, dual spec and whatever else. That’s not nostalgia talking. Different is okay and not everything needs to be homogeneous.

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yeah Hot Pink.

I’m sick so i’ve been playing a lot and not working. Last night I was playing SoD, doing Elite quest in Redridge Mountain. 5 of us (random people) needed to not only group up but play our class roles effectively. Multiple times needed to stop to fight off Horde groups questing there as well. it was AWESOME. an actual fun experience-- I was laughing, I got angry and determined. We also died to mobs. Classic isn’t about the nostalgia, it’s about having that MMO experience.

Conversely, this morning i zoomed through the end-game Amerdrassil content by myself as a mage. Definitely pinged the brain chemicals that make me happy but, I wouldn’t say I had a good time. Importantly, i wouldn’t recommend someone else do it.


Vanilla was a completed game. Classic is a design philosophy.

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Cataclysm does not play in any way shape or form like Vanilla, and that’s the problem.

Players love the Vanilla style of play but dislike the fact that there is no new content. New content would be really awesome, but good luck on getting anyone to agree on what that looks like.

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“we’ll do things the old way” is a hard task for developers who aren’t old…

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I’m still waiting on that belt with a seventh Pokeball holster…

That is the whole point of Era. To stay in that ERA