Their first response when I put up the request on how can I request an appeal was "You mean the post that was deleted this morning where you called on OUR players, on OUR forum to Boycott - US?
That post?"
I calmly replied I didn’t actually I suggested we boycott a game mode. Then I asked what rules I broke and I got the boiler plate. It’s sad. That first response was crazy bad customer service as well. It goes like 32 likes or something. Seemed a little ridiculous to me.
I have run a small business for over 25 years. I have wanted to say all kinds of things to customers, I never have. Reputation is every companies life blood. That was some very poor customer service in my opinion.
Ok going to stop talking about it as I think that is also against the rules which is well…just crazy to me, but oh well. Probably gonna take a game break after 11.1 hits and I do all the stuff in it. Sad state of affairs.
Honestly why did you add the letter h? Think about it, don’t be humble about this. Who and their right mind would be humble about something that is the truth? You should be angry and tell it how it is, rather than just be a lukewarm halfway crook
Thank you for the effort! While its effect is not apparent I believe it hade made impact and triggered the right spot, and better than not doing anything about it. Hope you will have a pleasant and fun break!
Going to be playing just not as much I think. Got a whole back log of silly stuff on my Steamdeck I gotta get to. First off…getting up at 4 am to try to get a 5080 tonight…ugh. Wish me luck…my bank account is gonna need it.
The problem is the people in charge that led to the toxicity in the work place at BlizZ HQ where workers were abused (eg cubicle incidents) are still employed.
Then they coddle a toxic portion of the community by actually allowing thread flagged to be deleted because someone doesn’t like it on general discussion forum. They are miss using the flag tool and abusing to discard any thread they do not like.
When all they have to do is not respond to the thread or just put someone on ignore.
I have been in customer service for over 25 years and TWW is a new low for WoW. But this is why we as a positive WoW gaming community have to circle the wagons and support one another.
Lol thats expensive, I assume it must be good! Good Luck with your shopping!
About the ongoing issues, conflicts wear down both sides, allowing Blizz to do nothing. I think a consensus can be reached if people could all step back a little. So that Players can band together to push Blizz to get what they want. Winning an argument between players won’t change anything.
Bump lol. Wowhead article today. Thinks blizzard made 15 million+ off the bruto shop mount. Like i said nothing will change. We are dooooooomed…tinfoil hat explodes
Maybe you are meant to get a better deal, or a greater product? May your wishes come true!
Lol maybe so, but as the motto says: Never Give Up!
Some interesting observation - I notice that some people’s stance is odd, not for or against premade & pugs but standing against standard customer rights, making you wonder about their motive, considering the only beneficiary there is Blizz.
I run into that on the forums a lot. People who are just anti. It’s just the internet being the internet. Negativity is easier than debate or conversation for a lot of people. My ignore list is huge at this point.
Short answer: No
Long answer: They never did. Most of the developers they hire for PVP are just new guys, this is their first gig. That means these guys are just trying to learn with this game and move up to the next PVP Game as soon as possible.
WoW pvp is dated, the graphics are also not compelling and it’s a clusterfk of animations and pets. It’s patch on top of patch on top of fix, etc. It will never be ok because it cannot be fixed.
Indeed. The situation for players (the consumer) could be better, and it calls for resilience in the face of adversity. Epic BG had already taught us that fun and rewarding matches are never easy and smooth riding. Isn’t it
Lol, unfortunately, my own list is growing too, despite my reluctance to put people on ignore. The only consideration for me is integrity, as it’s a personal trait I value highly. The evaluation always took a long time because it would be a one-way trip for them.
The silence like in BFA and systemlands will backfire but it will not be apparent until patch 11.1 hits live. Then it will become abundantly clear because the tiny micro problems start to compound and become overwhelming that were not dealt with sooner. A lot of these small issues can and should have been dealt with during beta. Then the game and player base would be in a better state.
They did before Activision bought them, but after that it has just become a generic corp. It sucks, hope Microsoft gives them more leash and more money for customer interaction. Without back and forth with the community the game will never be great. Might be ok, or even good on occasion, but never great.
That’s what they get for allowing add-ons to get to the point where it’s almost needed to play the game in certain respects… I’d love them to ban all add-ons personally and start baking the more important stuff into the actual core UI…