Does Blizzard just not care about PvP anymore?

Blizzard developers never view this forum from what we are told in the beginning, the forum moderators who all play wow take information from the forum and present it to the developers as a suggestion. I would think that by now, the forum moderator’s have brought this problem to the attention of the development team.

I don’t see a lot of Blue post going on here, that tells me, they have nothing they can tell us about the addon being used and whether or not it is an illegal action in the game. Just because you see it that way, the team that maintains the game along with the producers, EP’s Executive Producers, directors and lead developers, they may not see it your way, and the Addon may be perfectly OK in their minds. They will just let you go on and on forever with no acknowledgment…

In the beginning, you could get the attention of the developers producing real data, Like I went in and looked over the code since I have written things back in the days that helped me play the game. Little addon’s to do little things before we had curse games and all that.

I have written modules for hunters that could hit one button, and it would pick available abilities and free up the mouse for other things…

Today, 15 years later they have all this in some other UI addon stuff, so I don’t have to write any more addons for wow.

“Soulpriest” said it best, in the nutshell, World of Warcraft is a cash cow, and being a cash cow whatever creates more and more money, the more they like it. They are not going to mess up PVP people like me that buys wow tokens, so I don’t have fool around farming all the time, I have so much wow cash I just buy whatever I want. That is what this game is all about MAKING MONEY!

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And to prove that it works….all the devs and people
Caught up in the Cosby suite, cubicle crawls and other sordid behaviour….were under the supervision of Ion. So when everyone is getting staked to the cross for their behaviours….the guy responsible for all of wow…gets off Scot free. Like he had a real life trinket and escaped….and the reason is……subs might be down but token sales are up!


They do not. In fact at this point I believe they actively try to take away complaints about it. It has become ridiculous.


This is all the devs have to do to fix 80% of the problem…

Change this:

function validateTeamQueue(playerCount, gameMode) {
const MAX_TEAM_SIZE = 10;
if (playerCount === MAX_TEAM_SIZE && gameMode === ‘rated’) {
console.log("Queue validated: Rated PvP, 10 players.");
} else {

To this:

// My Genius Fix (Patent Pending):
function validateTeamQueue(playerCount, gameMode) {
const MAX_TEAM_SIZE = 40; //
if (playerCount === MAX_TEAM_SIZE && gameMode === ‘rated’) {

But unfortunately, they’re slaving away on more ridiculous Seinfeld, puffy pirate shirts for the trading post while covered in Dorito dust.


No they don’t. They want everyone to just get in line. They won’t respond to valid complaints. It’s gone off the deep end.


I use to think if enough players quit then it would put fire under their butt and huge changes would occur. Then I watch them drop a $90 Ah mount during my vacation from the game and probably made more money in that short time frame than they have on subs and box sells in the past few years. There is a datamined full xmog set coming out soon. I bet thats going to make them millions within 30 minutes. WoW players are their own worst enemy honestly.


Isn’t that the one that looks like the moon?

Looks terrible in my opinion.

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Yup that would be the one. I don’t think its completely awful but I bet its going to sell really well. When the last few released outside the pirate one, i saw the others like crazy for weeks.

Link below for anyone who hasnt seen it.

And people are convinced its going to go on the shop?

At this point, coin flip. I think it warrants a price tag cause its way more detailed then the last 4 or 5 sets or it could be a year reward like the warden set. /shrug

It kind of looks like the trading post achievement armor. Wonder if it will be the next one. Well, it doesn’t really look like it but it’s the same concept.

To be fair, this has only become an issue due to wow’s reduced playerbase. With less players queing you’re more likely to run into these “people”.

Not defending them at all, most of those who spam them are quite a “special” crowd and interacting with them usually results in verbal diar…ea from them, a few years ago it was rare to run into them but now it’s half the games.

Limit group size to 3 in order to queue for bgs : ).


Yeah. Keep going.

You only need to go as far as checking the blue tracker on the pvp forums to understand how incredibly little they seem to care. It’s really sad actually. Way back when Blizzard felt very community oriented and then Kotick seems to have just dragged them into total corporate level grossness.

1 post a year in a forum that represents a major section of the game is just well…gross.

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Sorry to see your posts got taken down. Did the moderator provide any reason?

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I asked how I could appeal and they responded. Probably get in trouble for this but basically they said that it broke the rules of conduct for inciting trouble on the forums. Also quoted the part that said they can decide whatever they want. I tried to respond by saying I wasn’t inciting any action on the forums, but rather in game. Also that I wasn’t pushing people to drop subscriptions just to not partake of a certain part of the game. I also tried to mention that years and years of thousands of posts talking about it with no response but I do this and suddenly they talked to me…but they locked the customer service thread. I think it is still over there, but who knows might have been deleted.

Bad customer service if you ask me. Feels very corporate and wrong headed but whatever. Just time to hang up my spurs and hope others do as well.


Clauses in their legal doc are worded as so too. Their platform (ie forum) could be easily abused and a lack of rule base justice system made it worse. This incident had reaffirmed my opinion of Blizz - It’s not customer service that is at fault, but the company culture, one that I refuse to support.

Thanks for the info. Hope you still find enjoyment in this game.

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Agreed. They can’t really follow the rules if they don’t have the man power and I think that is the core issue. Someone cut customer service to hit a short term bottom line. That somebody was Kotick and the corp types at Activision. Blizzard has slowly died by a billion papercuts since Activision took over. Hoping microsoft sees it and moves back the other way.

In a way people can infer the likely answer for this thread - there won’t be much (if any) changes.

Either adapt to live with the problem, find something else in the game to enjoy, or leave. But for people who are willing to pay for the waiting, I guess that is the best they could do…

I forgot to comment on this bit earlier - I’m surprised they haven’t banned me yet because several of my messages does suggest this being the only logical choice. Not that I care if they do or not anyway :smiley:

I may not agree with some of what you think, but you should be able to express your opinions. It’s not like you’re being offensive in your complaint.

Booooo Blizzard!

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