professions are more OP than ever before, and the current state of the game is yielding ridiculous rewards for what you can buy with them.
get more detailed, but if you propose what you’re doing in 3 hours that “isn’t progressing” then i’d wager it would be revealed that you’re doing it wrong.
nah, in the time you’d be fully saturated in normals to make it into pre-nerf heroics, you’d be far past heroic ilvl anyway.
world quests/weeklies/vault/rare drops, faction items, and crafting/ah purchases make it trivial to bypass heroics altogether.
i don’t know who “prefers” to run a regular dungeon at a chance at an upgrade over spending 2 minutes to guarantee one from a WQ. But yes, that player is out of luck.
Shame on blizzard for helping people play more efficiently
You can buy a full set of 564 off the AH, 561 is much cheaper. Then do your weeklies for 584 pieces. If you did the campaign one time you can skip it on each toon with bran. If you never did it once thats on you, it was stated multiple times you had to do it once. It should take you maybe an hour to get into heroics on a fresh 80. You dont even need to sniff a normal dungeon. Comparing this to the inconvenience of classic is insane lol.
As a returning player I get your frustration and understand.
You really need to reprogram yourself away from how classic or SOD WoW plays vs retail. Just relax, have fun and enjoy yourself. I find myself lost and frustrated and confused but so far between the forums, guildmates and random people in game – all have been super nice and helpful to me to explain things, take me some place to show me, etc (you just have to ask nicely).
This I do agree with. I have alchemy and I am totally confused as to why they made it this complex. I understand what they want you to do but it just seems a bit overboard. Enchanting on the other hand seems way more straight forward (I think).
Just another give me something for free doom poster. “I shouldnt have to do anything i dont want to do to get what i want from a game cause blizz owes it to me.”
skip normal dungeons buy greens Don’t do heroic dungeons because you bought greens. Start your world quests because you should have finished the campaign by now. Loot four chests from world quests, two of which give epic gear and all give keys. Go into delves till you can enter an 8 solo 4 8 delves even if you are 570 ilv. Do the world boss, do LFR, and do black temple timewalking make sure you have both quets for a piece of normal and heroic raid level gear.
TLDR skip normal and heroic dungeons
There are still some grinds in the game (it’s an MMO), but there are numerous ways to get gear and rep. The grinds in general are much easier here than back in the day.
Remember when you had to grind a ton of reputation with raid factions to get resistance gear? Remember when you had to grind faction rep to attune to a raid and step inside? Remember when there were only one or two ways to actually get gear that was an upgrade so that you could move onto higher difficulties?
Yeah, retail is much more accessible and less grindy than classic.
I suspect it’s to drive people into delves. If it was an oversight I think they would have fixed it already.
The campaign wasn’t even a huge slog this time I feel like. If you don’t like doing it at max then level an alt doing only the story quests. Easy completion and you’ll probably be 80 or close and have farmed a bunch of crystals/kej.
Whining about having to do leveling content to do end game content is a bit entitled I feel like. Definitely agree normal dungeons should get you into heroic though.
I just did the campaign it gives you enough gear to be pretty close to heroic. It might even gear you enough for heroic? Either way I was surprised by the time it finished gearing me then did a handful of delves, all in a day really. I agree it should be more obvious or better catch up system that’s obvious but finish up the campaign get the gear and if it’s not enough then do a handful of bounty delves, you’ll get into heroic
I mean 2 80s in a month already seems less grindy than classic yeah? I don’t remember being able to get 2 60s with <20 hours of gameplay in classic. Didn’t have my first alt until wrath
You’re 1,000% correct. Tell you something else…there’s many others like you, who feel like you, who don’t say a word. They just quiet-quit.
Players don’t realize that every time we lose a player, we all feel the pain of it. Not directly, but indirectly. I don’t expect most to understand that.
I feel your pain OP. Been here since 2008, and I’m not bothering to gear, or work my professions (like Alchemy). Instead, I’m committed to flying this bird, gathering all the herbs I can, and becoming wealthy this xpac. I could care less about heroics or gear. Show me the gold.