Does Azeroth have time zones?

Canonically, Azeroth is round right? So does that mean it has time zones? As in different sunrise/sunset times. And what about seasonal changes? Daylight savings time? :dracthyr_a1:

That’s just what the Titan agenda wants you to think.


Yes, but the game does not take that into account. Because it’s not a simulation.

Unfortunately the world building in Warcraft is pretty poor. We don’t have specially named days of the week or month or seasons. They’re just adopted from English language in the RL.

I doubt there’s really any thought giving to time zones. Time zones were a product of railroads and conducting that operation safely. Maybe because of the mail? But that’s a pretty magical practice, as we saw in Legion.


I just keep thinking about that one line from WC3 from the goblin zeppelin pilot: “Where’s the equator?” :dracthyr_shrug:

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Time zones were just a conspiracy theory by big Time to sell more clocks


Just because its round doesnt mean its a sphere. Flat Circles.

at no point are we sailing or traveling edge of the map to the other edge of the map.
we keep all the paths in the middle. or bypass it entirely with teleporting mage portals.

Those mages work harder than the Guards

Let’s not give the writers ideas. We don’t want them going “wow, you guys are right, there MUST be a dark side of Azeroth which is still unexplored. Thanks GD.”

Yea diff servers have diff time zones like east and west servers lol

bronze dragonflight: “We do time zones just differently than most”

So our “real life” is a simulation. :eyes:

Azeroth is a sphere. You can see it from Argus.

they already did

C’mon, the Titans faked that skybox so we wouldn’t know the world is flat.

(Borrowned from NASA faked the moonlanding meme…)

Yes, Azeroth the one we seen but it is strange if one side is light the other should be night but that’s not the case.So when you port from stormwind to Uldum the zones should be day time and the other night,yet it’s not so this means there is an other side we haven’t seen,magically or some other phenomena.

With that the time should be according to this.

That is what they say… However if it actually was you’d have sunrise at different times on the different continents, annnndddd we don’t. The sun rises at the same time in stormwind as it does in Ungoro.

i could only see the map half from Argus. :thinking:

It’s always “Beer o’clock” in Ironforge :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :beers:


You didn’t stand there for long enough. Azeroth rotates. Over time you will eventually see the entire thing.

But I never see the entire Moon no matter how long I stand on Earth. Explanation:

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