Does Azeroth have time zones?

The moon is more than 250,000 miles away and is tidally locked with the Earth. Azeroth is not tidally locked with Argus. In fact, it’s not really even near it, there’s just a portal linking the two.

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No. Bronze Dragons use time magic to sync the whole world to the same clock.

Sargesday, to be renamed Tyrsday or something.

My bad suggestions for the days of the week.

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Eonsday lasts for-ev-er


Looks like someone has a case of the Eonsdays.

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Then I wouldn’t be able to see it from Argus, so…

That’s the gravitational lensing in effect :upside_down_face:

Except you can because there’s literally a portal in the sky that lets you see one from the other. Granted, on the Azeroth side that’s long since closed, but if you go to Argus you’re technically going back in time to when it was still open.

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no - you need a railroad network for timezones.

If you believe a group of scientist’s hypothesis.

One time zone is good enough for china, and it’s good enough for Azeroth.