Does Arthas deserve a "happy" ending?

It has. Further proof of Horde bias imo. This simple fix has been ignored for far too long, and needs to be addressed! Give worgen tails!!!

But speaking of oversights, transmog your shoulders Skarm!


I felt liked playing my draenei again and since there’s a sale going on, I had enough bnet money to afford it :wolf:

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Blizz Accountant: Hey, we just got enough money to afford the resources to add one more quest to the next expansion!

Blizz Developer: Great, let’s create a worgen-themed quest… where we remind them how bad and wrong it is to be a worgen, and that they should strive to be a pure awesome human, like Anduin!


My first serious RP toon was my draenei and I haven’t played them since end of WoD. So I figured it was time to have some fun again

And that quest makes me sad every time I think about it. Still not gonna stop me from fighting for better worgen content though :wolf:

(Plus my drae bae has da tail!)

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You’ll die an unhappy racist.

More rather influence Arthas to travel along a path that he was inclined to travel anyway.

Ner’zhul didn’t influence Arthas to kill his steed Invincible. He didn’t influence Arthas to be a petulant child of self-entitlement. Ner’zhul picked the right target that would be susceptible to his influence.


I will die knowing I did everything in my power to force Blizzard to make the game the way I want it to be.

I don’t think Blizzard will make Stormwind all white, just for you. You’ll die unhappy in every regard.

You’ll be the only one who remembers or cares you did.

I will make sure Alliance scum like yourself are will have no future in Azeroth. You will be enslaved together with all races of your pathetic faction. No place to hide anymore. The future of Azeroth belongs to the Horde alone. Lok’tar!

He killed his steed because there was nothing else he could do for him. Which is a fitting parallel to what happened in Stratholme.

Was Arthas abit petulant? Sure, he was young most people are like that when they were young. But self entitled? Not really. He spent his youth defending his kingdom and helping his people as best he could. Heck, if he was truly self entitled he could have just spent his life tucked away in Capital City just gorging on the privilage of being a prince. But he didnt do that.

You missed the point. He put himself in the position of having to kill his steed because he ignored the people who said that the horse wasn’t ready. And because of that the horse was terminally injured. Again the petulant prince who could not stand to be told “NO”.


Arthas was a young man who ignored anyone who tried to help him. He was stubborn, thought he knew what was right in any situation. He was cocky, and self-assured to a fault, and that’s what made him easy to manipulate and control.

All the Jailer had to do was tell him he was right, and he believed it.

A dangerous man.


I like Paladin Arthas.

Yeah one can argue that his actions led him down a dark path, but I think that’s a stupid analysis.

The man was willing to go to any lengths to save his homeland. I find that kind of ambition and determination respectable. The Lich King wanted a Champion… A Meek person might not have fallen into that same trap, but meek people also aren’t worth the air they breath.

Arthas is horrible, and don’t identify with Arthas, thanks. He’s like Anakin, a bad apple from the start.


Arthas and Anakin are very different.

Anakin was all in on totalitarianism from the beginning. Arthas just didn’t want his people to die and be made undead. It’s quite the difference.

This didn’t happen. It wasn’t even entirely his fault for what happened to his horse.
The only people that said anything was when Arthas was told to take it easy while Invincible was still young and to give him a year to grow. The accident occurred years after that exchange.
They had done that route multiple times, and getting a little over confident is completely natural for anyone.

We have world killers in Revendreth/people who wiped out entire species. We have people who openly sent dogs to kill innocent people and even someone who killed their own daughter. I expect most of their personalities in life were as bad if not worse then Arthas.

If these people who have done worse then maybe both pre and post Frostmourne Arthas get a shot, so should Arthas.


I mean, even if Arthas was petulant, even if Arthas didn’t like to be told no… He was like, a Teenaged prince? Early Twenties at most? I know plenty of people well into their 30s who still have that problem.

It’s like… “Oh no, Arthas had flaws? Wow, what an evil, horrible person! Anyway, SLAY KWEEN SYLVANAS YAAAAS.”

Y’all get over yourself. Arthas is a victim of a horrific plot… Which, given the horrible Shadowlands Lore, apparently everyone else fell for it too.


The opposite is true. Sylvanas gets trashed by everyone meanwhile Arthas gets a free pass because he is a man. That is pure sexism.