Does Arthas deserve a "happy" ending?

I personally have done my best to listen to Night Elf player’s concerns, and have talked about how Blizzard treated the Night Elves many times.

No… I said something very specific.

And you came in

Doing exactly what I accused Horde players of doing.

And now you are just bitter because you have egg on your face.

I mean, you have been nice.

But you have also on many occasion joined the mob that serves to isolate and belittle nelf players who dare speak up.

You haven’t exactly been a beacon of morality yourself around here.


Uh, no, the disagreements and conflicts I had with you were about politics and racism, and not the Night Elves. For some other Night Elf fans, I literally don’t know what their political beliefs are, because they don’t talk about it.


You can keep trying to warp reality to fit your delusions, but all this is? It’s more of the same.

I disagree

I was talking about Nelf issues, and the conversation was steered toward politics as a means of derailing the conversation. Once again, a tactic to silence opinions they don’t want to confront.

And many times in that conversations you even admitted that my stances were being manipulated to paint me in a negative light.

Someone is projecting.

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Azeroth will not be free until the Alliance is fully removed from the game entire. The Horde will rise again and finally being able to destroy the whole of the alliance for good. Their cities will burn, their people enslaved and their leaders killed. That is my biggest hope for the future. A Azeroth that waves the red banner everywhere.

And we all can only hope that someday you reach a point of mental well-being that you stop projecting the pain you feel over your friends leaving on to the Horde playerbase.

We know that day isn’t coming soon, but maybe someday.


I mean, I got my issues, I wont say I don’t.

But I am pretty self aware of what my issues are and what I need to work on. Currently, my seasonal depression does provide some additional complications.

But my feelings on the WoW player base isn’t really a product of that. To be honest, I didn’t really feel this way about it until I moved on to more wholesome communities, and realized that being treated this way wasn’t a normal thing.

But I’ll give you this. I should probably play FFXIV instead of spending so much time here. It is probably a lot better for my mental health.

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I need to bookmark that post.

… Why?

I mean… You are going to accuse me of bias when you literally just pick out the parts of my post you need and ignore the rest? lol

It’s not an accusation. It’s just a simple statement of obvious facts that you repeatedly make clear. Your bias was obvious in the first sentence of the post that started this latest derailment.

Why even bother pretending this isn’t clear and obvious fact?

The fact that you have literally fallen in line and have acted precisely like I predicted, then it is not a matter of bias, it is a matter of objective observation.

Every Alliance player is basically a close-minded bigot that eats babies. If you disagree with that statement, you literally just prove me correct.

Actually, if we were to play a game of role reversal here, I would have to come in and say “No we don’t” while literally eating babies and doing something bigoted.

See? You just literally proved me correct. You filthy baby-eating bigot.


Look, baby meat is more tender. I don’t what else to tell ya.

Why is Micah a draenei now? Draenei don’t get ear scritches or belly rubs.

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Worgen don’t get tails.


well, it’s always been a design oversight, hasn’t it

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