Does Arthas deserve a "happy" ending?

This is entirely false…
The only person I’ve ever seen getting a free pass so far is Sylvanas, whereas Arthas is the one I constantly see getting dunked on.

Excessive Arthas hate and excessive Sylvanas hate are two sides of the same coin, I feel.

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Arthas, prior to taking up Frostmourne, had entirely reasonable explanations for his actions.

Sylvanas has none.

There is no excessive Arthas hate. Everyone praises him especially on twitter.

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I was on Twitter last week, and I can’t even express how much Sylvanas praise I was seeing right along side a large amount of Arthas hate.

I was babysitting my baby sister when I was five and my other baby sitter when I was seven

And I didn’t have highly ranked people training me on the virtues of discipline and responsibility so I don’t buy this man-child BS.

Did you even READ the Arthas novel? It’s background for that rare drop of a mount. Aftrer he became a Death Knight, Arthas raised Invincible as an undead mount. It’s the background for that rare drop.

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I mean, good for you I guess. But given how you act here, I don’t believe you are as mature as you think you are.

But good on you for having a high opinion of yourself.

When I was young what I did wasn’t considered to be exceptionally praiseworthy. Have standards for decent behavior have fallen so low? Do we now expect so little of our children?


You do understand that 90 plus percent of people who post on Twitter do so to start a flame war?

He was told not to go out in a snowstorm because it was dangerous and he jumped an icy river because he thought he was invincible.

His horse died due to his arrogance.

It was 100% avoidable if he just listened when someone told him “no”


I wonder how many people told Sylvanas “no” at Darkshore….

But sure… let’s pretend Arthas’ Horse is the real issue.

I don’t think that Arthas was at war with his horse. But who knows?


So do most psychopaths, your point?

All this effort to exonerate Arthas doesn’t serve to help any case you might make on


I don’t think the Horde was at war with infants either, but okay.

This forum thread is about Arthas. It’s literally in the title of the thread.

We are talking about what kind of a person Arthas was, and if he deserves a happy ending.

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And the best y’all can come up with is “No because he was like… Kinda immature sometimes.”


He was an insufferable manchild who couldn’ accept “no” as answer from hies friends and family. His big ego took the better of him and made him vunerable for the manipulation of Ner’zhul. There is no one to blame for his downfall but himself.


A willingness to pay any price to save his home and family is not ego.

Arthas knew what many of us didn’t until MOP.

“Why do we fight? To protect home and family.”

Imagine if Chen became the Lich King instead.

Yes it is if you’re not willing to listen to anyone else when it comes to going about it.

Arthas condemned the entirety of Stratholme without any consideration and without listening to anyone else.

Or have you forgotten the saying about what the Road to the Maw is paved with?

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Do you know what could have saved Lordaeron? If Terenas actually headed Medivah’s warning and asked his people to prepare for a pandemic. But Terenas was also an arrogant fool…Arthas was his legacy.

The plague of undeath could have been stopped if Terenas listened to Medivh. Pride lead to Lordaeron’s downfall.