Does Arthas deserve a "happy" ending?

They lack all the necessary qualities of badassitude. The reason they did not fight is because they were weak at heart and knew the failure and fall of the Horde was an inevitable certainty. They did all they could do; wait for history to overtake them for the weak, cowards they are.

Just keep failing.

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Spoken like a true high elf. Your appeasement towards the alliance is disgusting. I hope history overtakes you and makes sure your kind dies out due to mingeling with humans. You are no true thalassian. You are a footnote in history that will be remembered as weak and virigin.

Conquer all of Azeroth under the red banner.

They tried a few times now. And failed each time. Because the failure that is the Horde lacks true badassitude, lacks true strength, lacks true heroes worthy of the name. It always has and always will.

Your fandom of this mythical Horde is cute, adorable even. But it’s still fandom of a myth, a myth based on nothing real, nothing tangible. Everything the WCI & WCII ever achieved was quickly undone. Every victory lost to the sands of time.

Because they were just too weak.


The amount of times the horde has tried and utterly embarrassed themselves in the process, you’d think they learn to just stop. And since it’s a two faction game, nobody is going to dominate anyone.

Love to burst your bubble


The Alliance dominated Bfa utterly. The Horde was humiliated. Blizzard owes us a one sided victory in return from which the Alliance won’t be able to recover.

Funny how much you hate yourself. Keep going. You are most entertaining.

A true Horde doesn’t need victory handed to them. A true Horde would take victory for themselves. Here you are, admitting the Horde is too weak to earn victory for themselves and instead you beg for victory as a hand-out.

You want a Horde of beggars.

It’s not like Erevien isn’t like every other Horde player. He is just more straight forward about what he wants.

Everyone else is just more devious about it. Where Erevien calls for Horde dominance, other Horde players just try to bury or marginalize Alliance issues. Especially when it comes to Nelves.

While they yas Queen over Sylvanas, they turn a blind eye to the predominate female race, and strongest feminist symbol in the entire franchise, effectively being made gore-smut for years.

We’re back to trying this again? The most basic attention-seeking bait?

Okay then.


I mean, if I was attention seeking, it would seem like I succeeded.

Sure. It’s easy bait for an easy catch. It requires no conviction in your stance, requires no effort to maintain, and anything disproving that stance can be easily ignored in favor of your own baised beliefs.

It’s like low hanging pseudo-racism over a video game that none of us control.

If that’s what you need to reduce yourself to for attention now, then have a blast with it.

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You should think higher of yourself. Recognize your own self worth.

I value your assessment of my self worth with the same curve I value your opinion of every Horde player’s personal views and opinions, Aki.


You are the one who referred to yourself as an “easy catch”

You are the one uses basic racist theory to other a whole section of players because your game friends left you.


Well, they didn’t leave me, they left the game. We all still hang out.

And here you are proving me correct.

Virtue signal all you like, but I am not judging people based on the conditions of their birth. I am observing their behavior in an online medium, where I am totally blind to what color their skin might be.

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Ditto, Aki.

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I mean, you are literally showcasing the behavior I outlined above. You started by accusing me of attention seeking, effectively burning yourself in the process. When that didn’t work you resorted to cheap virtue signaling, softcore calling me a racist because of how I feel about a certain fandom lol. Everything one might do to wrongly illegitimatize the perspective of a nelf player, rather than confronting the perspective forthrightly.

It’s literally what I said you would do… and you fell right into it. Without missing a beat.

And once again

Thing is you haven’t disproved it… You fell in line.

And what you are doing now is effectively sticking your fingers in your ears going “lalalalalalalala”

cuz you know you dun goofed

You are now admitting your entire premise boils down to "Horde players bad, if you disagree with me then you are proving me right.