Does Arthas deserve a "happy" ending?

If context is king then people need to remember Ner’zhul has been subtley influencing Arthas, possibly even long before the plague broke out. The entire event in Stratholme was a test he specifically made to break Arthas.

Heck, we have a timeline where he didnt become the Lich King(several in fact).


Does part of Sylvanas realizing her crimes as unforgivable mean she can skip repetance in Revendreth?

She’s already shown not only remorse but disgust with what she did and she’s already resolved to accept whatever consequences she deserves.

Is that not the whole goal of Revendreth? Besides she’s not even dead… she’s undead, like Bolvar. Are we expecting Bolvar to also be judged?

She’s going to return to Azeroth. When she dies her final death, then she will be judged.


Similar then. Complete with raising a fallen elf into a monstrosity.

Send him to Revendreth…if only for the comedy gold of him snarking and trading barbs with Kael’thas for a few centuries.

Arthas: Hey Kael…remember that time Jaina picked me over you again?
Kael: SHUT UP.! fireball
Accuser: sighs


Ultimately it doesn’t matter.
Pelagos is becoming the next Arbiter, he’s well aware of Arthas, and has already flat out expressed that Arthas deserved a chance.
So with him in charge it’s already a given that he’d take care of it.

Again, assuming there’s anything left of Arthas to judge.

Uther: Fragment claimed by Frostmourne + Fragment claimed by Death
Sylvanas: Fragment claimed by Frostmourne + Fragment claimed by Death
Arthas: Fragment claimed by Frostmoune + Fragment claimed by Death

Everything points to Arthas having 2 fragments just like Uther and Sylvanas.
What we see in the 9.2 Anduin encounter further proves that since it’s the Lich King fragment (no different than the Sylvanas Banshee Queen fragment and the Uther Forsworn fragment) being utilized.

Mourneblades only split the souls of the people it kills. Arthas was never killed by Frostmourne. Everyone is just assuming he soul was split when nothing is suggesting otherwise


There is plenty that suggests he also had a split soul.
We were literally told that his was the first soul Frostmourne claimed.
Through what we encounter during Wrath, told in Edge of Night, shown again in Legion, and what we are seeing in the 9.2 Anduin encounter 2 different souls of Arthas exist.
The inscription that warned about the dangers of Frostmourne even implied that claiming it would damage the soul of the wielder.

The dias says it would steal the soul of the weilder. Not split it. The problem with Shadowlands and the massive amount of damage it to old lore, can’t really say for sure if his soul was indeed split. Dude was pretty evil before he even picked up the blade. Not like a soul split suddenly changed his personality.


It only split Uther’s soul because Uther was calling on the Light to save him. Which created a tug of war situation between the Light and the blade. In other cases, Frostmourne eats the soul entirely.

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I don’t think that even matters. The Revendreth quests are fairly explicit in saying that all souls irrespective of their crimes and atrocities are entitled to a chance at redemption.

Fair judgment at the least.

Although it would be neat if Arthas’s soul was “stuck” in Anduin for for awhile, haunting him. Like only Anduin can see and hear Arthas. Just constantly negging him until Anduin’s good nature convinces Arthas he was wrong or something.

Personally, blizz already ruined Wrath and WC 3 with their Zooval crap. Truthfully? I rather they didn’t touch Arthas at all.


I mean, both Ner’zhul and Arthas SHOULD get an audience with the arbiter. It’s not like they were morally black or white by any means. They were both literally handpicked to be manipulated by demons due to their political standings, one got deceived by apparitions but tried to rectify things (too late), Arthas was lead with a trail of breadcrumbs into a deathtrap that instantly stole his soul.

Some say that Arthas started acting out since Stratholme, but as horrific as some think it was, that at least had a purpose. The scourge plague to this very day has no treatment, meaning the people of Stratholme were doomed from the get go and them turning into undead would’ve just ended up in an even bigger catastrophe, an event Mal’Ganis planned and directed all the way.

The version of Arthas that pops during the Anduin intermission is but a remnant, that’s what the fight says, a shadowy figure that still wields Frostmourne and the Helm of domination, the version that the Jailer saves in his “domination cloud” of sorts, Arthas was yeeted into the maw without due process.

To be honest, I don’t want them to purify them all, I want all of them to be accountable for their actions, good and bad isn’t a contest to see who killed more or less innocent civilians since one life taken is too big of a crime to be forgiven but if one is getting a trial, then ALL should have a fair trial.


Short answer. No he totally does not. He needs to be thrown in the Maw again and suffer for all the crimes he has comitted. He is evil without a doubt and should never be set free again. He is by far the worst enemy Azeroth ever had. If we can get rid of him then everyone will be happy.


You’re just mad that Arthas did more damage to the Alliance than the WCI & WCII Horde ever did.


The Alliance will be dismantled. It is inevitable. We will wage war on you again and make sure the Horde rules ALL of Azeroth.

Not without a bad mofo like Arthas at your side. Sadly, the Horde has always lacked a character of that cunning, that ferocity, that inevitably glory. None, from WCI to now, can hope to reach his level of badassitude, and therefore the Horde can never reach true supremacy.

If Grommash and his clan participated in the second war and aided Doomhammer then the Alliance would be dust today. Nobody could match his strength. Sadly Blizzard killed all our COOL characters and replaced them with weak virgins like Thrall and Baine. But fear not. The Horde will rise to power again and finish the alliance for good. Lok’tar!