Does Arthas deserve a "happy" ending?

And I think that’s the crux of this thread.

We’re all pretty sure that Arthas is going to be somewhat unceremoniously disposed of as part of the Anduin fight, presumably with whatever is left of the Lich King and Ner’zhul. And the question is, “is that fair?”

Obviously, the answer is easier in the case of the night elves and Horde soldiers who were delivered up to be obliterated in the worst way possible. Because that was not fair. Presumably the Arthas soul is going to be erased as part of the fight, which may actually be merciful compared to what he deserves.

But the question of deserves remains. I maintain that there are worse people in Revendreth and he could wind up there, had he been put before the Arbiter. He was subject to fantastic manipulation and grooming.

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Reminds me of this:


Green Orcs are indeed the worst race. The game would be better if Blizzard just deleted them.

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We shouldn’t be asking what the guilty deserve. We should be asking what their victims deserve.

Should the focus be on punishment for the misdeed or prevention of future offenses (by any means, including mercy and assistance offered to the offender)?

And what will help the remaining victims find peace?

I’m not sure I’m qualified to answer either question.


I mean, at this point, how many times has the Horde been offered mercy under the condition of no future offenses? There comes a time when action should become sever when dealing with sever offenders. ESPECIALLY repeat offenders.

What is owed to the person who lost their entire family to a mass murderer? If it were my family, retribution would be had regardless if people think I am owed it or not. As far as I am concerned, it is not anyone elses business to try to dictate what I am deserved.

Now apply that to thousands of people. All who lost loved ones. Lost their homes and all the possessions held within, those worldly or otherwise. Memories of those people and those places forever tainted by the visage of that singular, horrible person.

I am qualified to answer that question. Retribution. It may not bring anything back. But the closure of knowing that the honor of your lost has been upheld is the only thing worth maintaining when you have nothing left.

Definitely, both you can’t just let them get away with it. And then you take measures to make sure it won’t happen again.

See, my gut reaction is to be less focused on punishment and more on deterrent (which can include punishment). To me, punishing the guilty is less important than making sure they don’t (or can’t) hurt anyone ever again. But that’s a three beers deep kind of question, and I’ve only had a few cups of morning coffee.


The problem is this isn’t the first time.
Alliance has been hit over the head over and over, and each time we got told “this time its going to be different”

Well it hasn’t been and it would be nice to see the ones responsible punished. Remember we went from the entire Horde to just the loyalists to just Sylvanas and now it seems like we won’t even get Sylvanas hold any accountability for what happened.

You understand what I mean?


Execute the Horde leadership negligent enough to go along with the Fourth War. Dismantle the Horde as a political institution. Implement new Alliance puppet leadership who are required to disclose all their activity to Alliance brass.

If Everien is typing to say we already did that, I’m owed a drink.


The Alliance literally already installed puppet leaders in the forms of Baine, Thrall and Calia. They are literally doormats of Stormwind. As is evidence by the ending of the war campaign. The Horde effectivley died in patch 8.3. Alliance scored the ultimate victory.

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God damn it, Sledge…


Wow… you called it.


I blame both of you. Both. This is a clear and obvious sign of collusion.

Collusion I say!!


I blame the muffin man personally. Always up to no good.


Not for this story.

If people want to dislike, or like, any given character, have fun. But people are crossing into self defeat by imagining things based on ideas the story does not currently have as pieces.

Some of the extremes in this thread leave me dubious about everyone knowing that.

Those same extremes were the focus of my post.


I never knew that the Alliance actually ruled over the Tauren (Baine became the high chieftain following his fathers death. Nothing to do with the Alliance). Thrall came back because of Saurfang (nothing to do with the Alliance directly. Unless you think Anduin knew that Saurfang would go to Thrall when he let him out of prison) and Calia became part of the Forsaken on her own accord.

Erevien, you can do better than this.

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But can he though? Can he really?

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Thrall and Baine and Calia take their orders from Anduin. He made the council a thing. Horde is nothing but a vassal to Stormwind now. The Horde needs to rise up in a rebellion and kill the council so that they can be free of the grip of tyranny from the traitors.

Not when alliance bias is involved. The council will fall. And the Horde will be free again so that we can attack the alliance again. Alliance will be defeated

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