Does Arthas deserve a "happy" ending?

But none of this shows “VASTLY more people” hate Sylvanas than not. If that statement were true at all, there wouldn’t even be a noticable amount of forum posts defending her. I think you’re a bit confused on your own stance here.


That’s gross over-simplification of both scenarios.

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That he was carrying in his third arm, I guess?

I do. After War of Thorns, that is pretty much the only resolution that is left for her. No matter what, an important female character is getting gutted. I happen to think Tyrande is stronger representation. It is more important for her to claim Sylvanas’ head than to continue with the nonsensical BS we have gotten with Sylvanas the past 3-4 years.

“I shot them in self defense, your honor.”

Judge: “… You broke into their house in the middle of the night with a gun in your hand.”

“That is a gross over-simplification of that scenario, your honor.”

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an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind…

But apparently, you think we can solve violence with more violence…

No wonder why the factions will never truly unite… :man_facepalming:


Certain people, on both sides, don’t want the factions to unite or at least get along. Goes against whatever perceived notions they have about the game. :wolf:


Usually there is one guy left with one eye.

That quote is typically credited to Ghandi, who was a sexist and horrifically abused his wife.

People might not like it, but it has always been the way of the world. Evil people exist, and I have no intention of uniting with them. I have every intention to go to war with evil people, and when I go to war, I call it war, and my enemies will not know peace.

I prefer to be constructive rather than destructive…I guess we will agree to disagree.

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I mean, I get you.

But I want to be constructive with folk an ideas who deserve it. It’s not a good idea to be constructive with someone who wants to hurt you or others.

Between here and on Twitter Sylvanas hate has resurfaced so now I’m trying to find out which new positive Sylvanas spoilers came out which caused ppl to go mental this time.

Is it a full moon? Are your cycles synced up? What’s going on?

If there are any new good spoilers for Sylvanas please tag me on Twitter.

I want the Alliance and Horde to if not outright hate each other than at least massively dislike and distrust each other, but I want BOTH sides to have rational reasons for it. As it currently stands, the Alliance hates the Horde because “They keep trying to exterminate us down to the last man woman and child” and the Horde hates the Alliance because “They keep surviving our attempts to exterminate them down to the last man woman and child”.


I agree with you. I don’t dislike the faction distrust per se. I just hate how massively lopsided it is in the alliances favor. The horde has zero reason to hate the alliance, considering how many times the alliance let them off the hook for the atrocities the horde keeps comitting.

It makes no sense for the faction fighting to continue as is. But that’s me.


Give the Horde their old leaders back. All of them. That way we can have people in the lead for us whom we can identify with in the ongoing fight against the alliance. Thrall and his hippie group are in no way authentic to have in a story where you are supposed to hate the other side.

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This is amazing: Hey, everyone, WoW Shadowlands is not your RL good/evil judging afterlife.

If you’re looking for that, look elsewhere.

I mean… It’s probably just as likely as any other theory.

I mean, people know that. The Shadowlands afterlife is garbage. It’s just this thread is about what people think he deserves. I think some posters’ idea of justice is much worse, though.

The big problem with any judgment for Arthas is… we still don’t know the extent of Zovaal’s manipulation. That we’re now heading into the final chapter of this expansion and still don’t know how the Lich King came to be, what part Zovaal played, is beyond me.
Even the rules of “Domination magic” are still unclear, as it could not be detected by any of the Kyrians and the glowling runes and eyes of Anduin were supposedly working even under an illusion.

Back in 9.1, I really hoped that they would use it to explain why Delaryn and Sira chose to serve their murderer, but by now, I’ve concluded that “logic” definetly isn’t one of the cosmic forces in WoW. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


It would be kind of game over if they did. :slight_smile:

The Faction War hasn’t truly ended even now as the Brokers are intrigued by mortal conflict and offer each Faction bounties for members of the other side.

Is it wrong, though?

All I’m saying is that they should be held to the same standards.

Or not. I mean, it’s fiction and at the end of the day, “I like this character” is as good a reason as any. As long as it’s acknowledged as such. Hence my noting of it being a bit more metaphorical in one case. But the devs have been setting Sylvanas up with heavy handed Arthas parallels for a long time.

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I think you are wrong, but that’s fine.

This is a two sided story.