I watched the halls of reflection. Where does it say that Arthas fell long after touching the sword? Rather than as soon as he touched the blade?
Uther even says that Arthas’ presence in the Lichking is the only thing that stopped the scourge from washing over Azeroth.
How can you not see the difference when so many people have point it out here? Arthas was already down a bad path before picking up the sword and voluntary took it… that is kind of a game changer.
The thing is that now her victim aren’t her victim anymore. They are the Jailor victim. Is it bad writing? Yes. Was killing them at first also bad writing? Yes. So either people accept all of her story which include the redemption or either people don’t accept her story which include the burning so they can’t hate her for a story they refute…
The only way that people can not accept her redemption and still hate her without being hypocrite is by considering that everything about her from Legion until now don’t exist and still hating her for what she did before.
Her action from Legion to now is the same story. If you accept that she burned the tree, than you must accept that she is now redeemed.
To be fair the people who favor Sylvanas over Arthas do so because he violently violated her and he did so with free will, he took away her free will. So they reasonably can’t be compaired in good faith with one another.
The piece of who she was that was stolen was the half that would have fought his influence. Her bad deeds are an extension of his, as shown by the visual paralells between them in BFA.
You’re moving goal posts. The original question was the presence of souls within Frostmourne.
Actually that was Terenas in his foreboding statement. “Control must be maintained… there must ALWAYS be a Lich King.” Which is pretty much patent nonsense if one simply eliminated the Scourge entirely.
I am not actually. Let us review.
The first soul claimed was Arthas. That has been my point all along and later Sylvanas was claimed.
In Halls of Reflection Uther wars both Sylvanas and Jaina that Arthas was perhaps the only reason that the scourge had not washed over Azeroth and control must be maintained.
Go ahead and watch it on youtube if you don’t believe me.
Until you know….arthas revealed during the fight that he was only holding back the scourge so he could lure azeroths greatest champions into his trap. Which he did because he proceeded to one shot the entire raid and would’ve raised them all until a dues ex machina stopped him.
Uther was wrong and I don’t know why y’all keep conveniently overlooking that
The lich king. Arthas as Drahliana says had become one of the many presences in within the lich king. Arthas regained his individuality when the sword was broken and his helmet removed.
Because I forgot, I had forgotten the halls of reflection too thats why I had to review it on youtube before commenting about it.
Edit: I just finished watching that entire dialogue and… nowhere does the Lichking ever mention that he purposefully did not unleash the scourge on Azeroth to lure us in.
He does however say that everything we faced was a trial and we passed them all and he will make us the instrument of Azeroth’s doom.
Can you please tell me at what point the Lichking did not wash over Azeroth to lure us in on purpose?
Arthas was down a bad path.
No one is debating that.
However, people who go down a very bad path “deserve” to wind up in Revendreth for a chance at atonement unless they’re so terrible the Arbiter says no.
Arthas deserves judgement… which is the question the thread was asking.
And since BluVanas is a new person consisting of the fusion of Live Sylvanas and Kitten Burnin’ Vanas… jury’s still out on that. But the last word we have on it is BluVanas accepting responsibility, and it’s going to be interesting to see going forward.
Interesting that you assume I hate Sylvanas, because I absolutely don’t.
I’m just not a hypocrite.
I said some people. No where did I mention you. Dunno why you felt the need to respond
It is still funny to see cursewords continue to launch petty insults on me simply because he can’t admit that he got called out for having a toxic mindset. And he is now trying to claim he never meant or inferred that mindset. Saying that I don’t know the lore lawl. While accusing me of making things up while he was making things up. Then he ignores key parts of my posts.
If you have to resort to petty insults you have lost the argument.
But I’m not gonna continue to reply to him. It is clear that he only cares about winning and will resort to child like tactics to do so.
Nowhere in the fight does he say this. He only says that we passed every trial put before us and that is what makes us “worthy” to be his champions.
If you are gonna make a claim like this you should provide a quote of him saying it.
His soul was stolen and he was just a puppet of Ner’zhul. Yes he chose to pick up the sword. But he did so believing that it would save his kingdom. He had no idea that he would become an agent of the scourge. The warning said it would scar the spirit, not consume it whole. Anything he did afterwards was not his own. Hell, he didn’t know Frostmourne stole his soul until Tichondrius told him.
You guys are acting like he picked up Frostmourne just so he could go to Quel’thalas and do evil things to Sylvanas. Which is simply not true.
Sylvanas still did those things post WC3: TFT with her own free will. Fragmented soul or not. If you wanna play the blame game we can play the blame game if you want.
Also keep in mind that Sylvanas did powerslide into Frostmourne according to Warbringers Sylvanas. Just saying.
No…the question was does he deserve a “happy ending”. Judgement on the other hand could mean that he takes an express trip back to the Maul.
Or he could go to Revendreth and given his personality I could easily see him winding up as unrepentant as Garoosh.
@Drahliana (or however you tag people, ignore me, I’m old)
This, for context, is the opening post.
Who reads the first post of a 500+ post thread these days?
Even more so when said person was the first one to reply to this thread.
I do! But I’m old.
…So that’s what I’ve been arguing from this whole time. Mostly.
Anyway, looks like Drahlina’s on the same boat as me, judging from said first post. So hooray!
It’s funny when you think about it. I think mostly all of us that have been arguing here are in the same boat; Send Arthas to Revendreth.
But because we’re the Story forums, we needed to somehow take that general agreement and turn it into a big pile of arguments and disputes.
Well, yeah.
Only a real monster would send someone voluntarily to the Worst Fate In WoW (new developments pending) without a fair shake.
Or Sylvanas. Sylvanas would do that to lots of someones.
No, I think Afrosalami already left the company before we were sent to play Shadowlands.
You aren’t all saying that? Some are saying he should stay in the Maw.
Edit: I meant a lot aren’t saying that.
To be fair, she said “most” aren’t saying it.
Although, it does seem most are saying it or at least the minority are being a lot more vocal and stubborn.