Does Arthas deserve a "happy" ending?

It seems your understanding of the lore is worse than you portray it with your nonsense ravings.

You might have missed it, but Sylvanas is a female.

She is the case we are discussing in relation to Arthas. Arthas did slay her with a mourne blade and violate her soul, and take a fragment of her.

If you want to discuss Popeye, or Jubilee from X Men, well… they weren’t killed by Arthas wielding a mourne blade. Sylvanas was. That is why I am discussing her.

But it is your juvenile attempt at attributing things I never said, that just proves how little you understand. You see things that are not there. Which explains your faulty logic.

This dialogue you invented for yourself sounds deeply personal. It is almost like the Story Forum Fanfiction - except Evelyssa acknowledged it was fiction from the start.

I give you credit for at least sharing that you are having delusions. Maybe some one will give you the help you seek.

“Are you saying… the moon is shaped like a square and smells like ham?”

If you read that… when I never typed that… well, such a level of reading comprehension explains the tripe you post.

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please don’t speak for all normal people because I don’t want that.


He can speak for the trees , if he claims it- but it is more of the same delusions people who defend Arthas seem to be having.


Normal people want Arthas right where he is. In the Maw. Forever. Only weirdos want him to have any sort of Happy Ending.


And to that I say, you’re wrong.

A normal person, with a kind heart, has empathy.
You and others wanting him to be stuck in the Maw are the very opposite of that.

A happy ending doesn’t mean he gets resurrected and reunited with Jaina and live happily ever after (although I’d certainly like that).
It’s simply rescuing his soul and bringing him to the Arbiter to be judged and put on the path to redemption like Sylvanas is getting.

I do have a friend who wishes that Arthas was given a shot at like a re-do where he chooses Jaina instead of Forstmourne and lives an AU happy life as King of Lordaeron with jaina as his Queen. That’s fine, she also understands that Arthas in the end was a pretty irredeemable guy. So it’s not all Arthas fans ( I do respect the reformed misogynist trope as a valid f/m trope) but There’s guys who just refused to admit that even evil Arthas was ‘that bad’

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I dont empathize with people who CHOOSE to be evil. Thats what seperates me from people like you.

One made his choices that led him to damnation.The other had her soul violated and was FORCED to be evil.

I leave it to you figure out which one more people sympathize with. Here’s a hint….It’s not Arthas.


And I sympathize with them both equally.
You’re the one skewing the story here.
You have a very massive bias in favor of Sylvanas, so you’re completely fine being a hypocrite when comparing the two characters.
Both Arthas and Sylvanas deserve the same shot at redemption, because they were both corrupted and did bad things because of it.
It’s getting pretty tiring at this point that you’ll forgive Banshee Queen Sylvanas for her evil acts but rip Lich King Arthas to shreds over his when they’re under the same exact circumstances.
Why are you even still in this thread, you said you were done a day or so ago.


It seems you missed the point. Why are you bringing up the fact that Sylvanas is female like you are trying to make a political statement. Meanwhile flat out ignoring or degrading the fact that Sylvanas’s characterization during BFA was to mirror that of Arthas during WC3 post human campaign. Such as the War of Thorns = invasion of Quel’thalas and Sylvanas planning on mind controlling Derek to kill his family mirrors what Arthas did to her.

So don’t say that I don’t understand the lore when you are flat out ignoring actual lore based comparisons.

And yet here you are waving away any criticism or actual lore events that paint Sylvanas in the same light as Arthas. Why else do you keep ignoring the Derek situation?

So what else was I meant to infer from your whole “sylvanas did nothing wrong because her soul was fractured” garbage you keep pooping out of your butt?

You have yet to provide direct evidence that I was defending Arthas. Come on Cursewords.

And yet you empathize with Sylvanas. Who CHOSE to try and violate Derek Proudmoore for her own ends. But I guess when it is a man who is being the victim it is okay for people like you. Now that is sexist.

Why do you care?

One made several choices that led him to damnation. The other had it forced on her. I’ll keep saying it until it clicks with y’all.

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Sylvanas regained her free will. She chose to be evil after that point. Or did you miss the whole point of her story arc and characterization throughout BFA?


Did you miss the whole 9.2 cinematic with her? 0_o


You mean the one where a part of her soul attempts to deny but later accepts what the banshee did was her own doing on her own free will?

Just like with Uther, who also had his soul fragmented.

Hell, she chose to side with the Jailer and continued to side with him up until he said “all will serve me”. She didn’t have her soul fragment back at that point. So don’t you use it as an excuse to hand wave away the evil things she has done. And at no point in the story has it ever being stated that the Jailer had full control over her.


Several choices for what intention?

To save his kingdom.

Sylvanas could have abandonned the defense of her kingdom.
She could have run away. She didn’t need to be there and face the Scourge. But she did. And she died for it and then raised as an undead.

Arthas could have abandoned his hunt for the Dreadlord that threatened his people with the plague of undeath. But he didn’t. He decided to fight for them just as Sylvanas did.

The first soul the Mournblade claimed was Arthas and then the Mournblade claimed Sylvanas.

These are all facts established by the story.
Its just that for some reason you blame Arthas for the same choices that Sylvanas did. They are both victims of the mournblade and they both died trying to protect their kingdom.

Sylvanas regained her free will in WC3, the split soul did not take way Sylvanas’ free will. She is fully responsible for every decision she made.
They have said this several times throughout the questing and even the cinematic.


Don’t bother stating this fact. They will ignore it and claim it doesn’t exist. Then say that you don’t know the lore. I mean you don’t see Uther claim that he did nothing wrong while his soul was split. So why should that apply to Sylvanas?

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Actually, it claimed everyone that Arthas touched with the blade. By the time he fell, it was getting rather crowded in there. Uther was the only soul split by the blade, every other soul was swallowed whole. Arthas then projected Sylvannas and several other high elves as banshees tied to him via domination magic

Not true. As seen when we go into Torghast to find Uthers soul fragment. Sylvanas also had her soul fragmented.

So perhaps everyone that Arthas reanimated as a non-mindless undead was split that way.

WoW is played by a minority of the Earth’s population, so technically “normal” people don’t play WoW, and thus have no opinion about Arthas’ fate. I wish people on any side wouldn’t normality as an insult on either side.