Does Arthas deserve a "happy" ending?

But if Arthas was evil, and was such even as a Prince before the events of Warcraft 3… then he was destined for the Maw anyway… So… They didn’t actually do anything unless they weren’t confident that Arthas’ would have ended up there on his own.

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Must be a cold day in hell when I have to agree with Akiyass about defending Arthas of all people.

I am not even a big Arthas fan… I mean, I like him. I think he is one of the better written characters from the franchise. But I am not some MHP who wants to reclaim Lordaeron for the Alliance and RPs a Scarlet Crusader with some pusdo GOT-vibe Wiki about my OCs.

I am a Nelf fan. My interests are so far removed from Arthas that it’s a joke how much I don’t care what happens to him.

I just think his reasoning made sense, and I don’t give Sylvanas a free pass because some sexist men in a writing room made her a gross SA allegory. Which in itself makes her a very anti-feminist character, not that anyone cares.

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Magatha is cool. All she needs is a unique model to distinguish her from the other Tauren. Blizzard wasted too many resources on Baine. It is time to drag the Tauren story in a different direction. With the Grimtotem tribe in charge they can become more like the Orcs.

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Arthas deserves to have something better happen to him than what Uther did to him. Even Uther agrees he should not have done that. Arthas clearly was under domination magic from the sword and helm which means everything he did as the lich king was not entirely his own will. Arthas is a super fan favorite so bringing him back in any capacity would be a huge thing for the story. It would be interesting to see Sylvanas and Arthas interact with each other perhaps even become friends in time after both realizing they were pawns in the jailers scheme.

Uther only agrees that he broke the system to seek personal vengeance instead of letting Arthas go through proper channels. I doubt that even Uther believes that Artha should just get a pass on all his deeds, including his own murder.

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Never once said nor implied he deserves a pass on anything. I only said Uther agrees he should not have done what he did to Arthas. Regardless, what matters is how Arthas’ situation is handled because the Arthas before becoming the lich king is an entirely different person than Arthas as the lich king.

He’s not THAT different though.

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I would say being a somewhat impatient and entitled Prince is significantly different than a War Criminal sociopath.

Arthas was a mass murderer


Not necessarily. Lady Vashj is serving in Maldraxxxus, not because she’s “good” all of sudden.

One however might take the observation that the 2nd is an outgrowth of the 1st. Ner’zhul starts observing Arths while the latter is defending Strahnbrad and starts looking into his past. And he makes the calculation that Arthas has just the right kind of characteristic traits that made him right for manipulation.

Arthas’ choices were manipulated… but he made them all the same.

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Just like you’re probably quite different now than the person you were ten or fifteen years ago.

Ryan Gosling is the Lord Reagent of Estonia.

See, I can just say things too.

But he didn’t… He was under control of magical domination.

Still doesn’t change the fact that arthas is a mass murderer. You disagreeing is irrelevant


It’s not that I disagree. It’s that you just say things without any supporting evidence.

So, you think arthas didn’t destroy lordaeron, quel’thalas and stratholme? :eyes:

But hey, you do you. Can’t fix stupid as they say


Under the dominating effects of a Frostmourn. Like Anduin is currently in Shadowlands.

The people of Stratholme were already dead. Contain the threat before they can harm more people. He did the right thing.

Can’t say the same about Sylvanas, who was neither dominated nor had a practical greater good mindset when she blighted Gilneas and Southshore, and burned Teldrassil. Unlike Arthas she was completely self serving and of free will…

She literally had her agency stripped from her while arthas forced her to murder her own people and she was latter manipulated by zooval.

If arthas is a victim of domination magic than so is sylvanas


As the Banshee Queen of the Forsaken, she has been free willed since TFT when she broke free of the Lich King’s control. Past Trauma is not an excuse to harm others.

Sylvanas reclaimed her agency and free will… Arthas never did.


I don’t understand how this argument can still be going on…

Sylvanas is no different than Arthas, and thus for Sylvanas to get her soul restored and the chance to make things right and be judged by the Arbiter then so should Arthas.

Both did bad things under similar circumstances, both had their agency taken away, both did bad things with their own free will and bad things against their own free will.

Every soul is entitled to be judged by the Arbiter. Every soul is entitled a chance at redemption within Revendreth.

It’s baked into the system of the Shadowlands. It’s not up for debate.
Where was the kicking and screaming when the expansion launched and we found out a soul was sent to Revendreth who had essentially massacred an entire planets population. Not a single person questioned the Arbiter’s judgement and said she should have been sent to the Maw instead for eternal damnation.