Does Arthas deserve a "happy" ending?

No we don’t know that. The end of the Arthas novel was ambiguous, and Uther’s dialogue in Halls of Reflection foreshadows the truth that we see in the cinematic itself… that Arthas was not in control of his actions, that he was a prisoner to Frostmourn and was sent to the Maw without fair judgement from the Arbiter.

I mean, why else would Devos and Uther have to bypass the Arbiter? Were they not confident that Arthas’ would face just punishment from the Arbiter?

IDK where you’ve been living the last half a decade, but here in America?

A good number of people would watch that video and say “yup, seems legit” and start booking their flights.

Just putting that out there.

Jaina was shown to think that the “prophet” might be telling the truth given that she oversaw him talking to her master, then again with Arthas. She saw the horrors of the scourge up close. I think after the culling and how Arthas went to face Mal’ganis, knowing full well that it was a trap was a sign that maybe he was right the whole time.

However allying with the Horde was a no no until Medivh figuratively slapped her and Thrall around.

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Oh, I get why she was willing to at least listen rather than dismissing him out of hand irrespective of what he was saying.

It just seems like he’d have had to be a little more specific about why abandoning the whole continent was necessary once he had her ear. Even as reasonable and open-minded as she was, it still seems to me Jaina was rational enough to have asked for a bit more than the nebulous warnings that Antonidas, Terenas an Arthas got before she’d start assembling a Kul Tiran fleet to carry soldiers and civilians off to a continent that might or might not even exist.

I think they knew that Kalimdor existed. There was just a massive permanent storm inbetween the two continents that the Orcs sailed right through. Which left them scattered and confused upon reaching Kalimdor.

Well, when WC3 was current, Kalimdor was supposed to be hidden behind a magical barrier of storms and mists since shortly after the Sundering that confounded outsiders from reaching or even seeing it, so there wasn’t really any way for word of its existence to have reached the Eastern Kingdoms.

Admittedly it was never solidly established why that barrier had seemingly weakened at the time of the Third War, allowing the orcs and humans to reach Kalimdor and seemingly even some goblins before them. But at the time the premise was that Kalimdor had been deliberately hidden from the outside world since right after the Sundering.

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Arthas did terrible things … but he was manipulated … domination magic .Just like Sylvanas . Jailor fault.

Arthas was a narcistic maniac who hated the idea of not getting His way. The maw is a fitting punishement.


The people in this thread bending over backwards trying to argue why the blonde Human who got corrupted by an evil sword then ended up doing terrible things was bad all along, but the blonde Elf who got corrupted by an evil sword then ended up doing terrible things was actually pure of heart all along is just…sad.

Face it, Sylvanas and Arthas stories are identical. Fact of the matter is Sylvanas is getting redemption so Arthas should to. Also I mainly agree that Arthas should get redemption and be shown getting a happily ever after in Shadowlands because it would piss off Sylvanas fans and nothing would make me happier.

This is the thread in a nutshell^^

Edit: If Cdev straight up saying that Arthas was evil before wielding Frostmourne doesn’t convince certain posters he was evil before wielding Frostmourne nothing will. I will say that its entertaining to see posters say that cdev is wrong.


Honestly it’s deserving. There’s no inbetween with Sylvanas, you’re either a die hard fan who comes up with a trillion justifications as to why she’s the best character ever, belongs back in the Horde and was actually a good person all along, or you’re every other person who is sick of her and not only wants to never see her again but be given a giant middle finger to as a send off.

It’s the usual suspects who think arthas was actually a good boy who deserves redemption. Doesn’t suprise me at all


But when are we allowed to kill Baine for his treason?

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I suppose the Tauren could use a leader with a actual spine

I vote for Magatha.


She’s a pretty kick butt tauren


Her motivations of wanting the Tauren to be a matriarchy and rebel against the established norm of Tauren hereditary monarchy and patriarchy were noble. Baine’s only qualification to lead the Tauren is he’s Cairne’s only male heir, she wanted someone with actual qualifications to lead the Tauren.

But then she sided with Garrosh wanting to wipe out the “lesser races” and killed Cairne for having sympathy for the lesser races of the Horde.

She was not a good character and Erevien’s faith in her should have been a red flag.


Oh, she’s a horrible character for sure. She’s just unfortunately the only interesting Tauren character left


Because Devos knew that Arthas had hurt Uther personally and knew that one of Uther’s deep desires to was to have a personal role in seeing that “justice” was done.

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I hated Magatha for a while- and I mean that in the best sense of the word, as far as fictional Characters. She evoked emotion when she was in the spotlight. She was snarky and curt. She did vile things, and was unapologetic. I was a big fan of Cairne, and her role in his death made me a little angry and a little sad.

She also had a good point - the Tauren were being railroaded at every turn. She likely would have plotted Garrosh’s downfall eventually, if she was successful in taking over the leadership of the Tauren.

I warmed up to her in Legion, though. She made me laugh when makes her portal, and then makes that joke about the skills of a shaman and portals. One good zinger can turn it all around for me, lol.