Does Arthas deserve a "happy" ending?

Arthas does not deserve anything but where he is. The Maw. And yes he was evil. Full stop. End of discussion.


Like how Sylvanas would eventually go on to violate countless people by torturing them and raising them against their will?

You’re factually incorrection. He wasn’t granted judgement by the Arbiter which is a right that EVERY soul has. He doesn’t deserve the Maw, and these takes of yours are getting increasingly more yikes.



Like I’m not going to debate this with y’all. It’s messed up you think he deserves a redemption. Just stop. It’s creepy AF.


And you thinking he doesn’t deserve a chance at redemption and should stay in the Maw is infinitely more creepy :man_shrugging:

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Like I can’t with you. It’s creepy. Stop justifying the man child who didnt like to be told No by his superiors

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“I suspect the piece of Arthas that is left inside the Lich King is all that holds the Scourge from annihilating all of Azeroth.” - Uther in Halls of Reflection

That doesn’t seem real evil to me.

I am not saying we should get an Arthas redemption. But he sure as hell is more worthy of one than Sylvanas.

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Which…Arthas later reveals in ICC he was only holding back the scourge to lure Azeroths greatest champions into his trap and he than promptly slaughters the entire raid and nearly succeeds in raising said champions.

Uther was wrong. There was no good Arthas holding the scourge back.


But there was, we see him in the Novel.

So Uther suspects it… then we get confirmation from another lore source.

So you’re wrong.

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And I genuinely can’t take anyone seriously who brings up Stratholm in defense of Arthas.

I think Aki is just stirring the pot because they like drama, and you are doing some MHP RP - I can’t take you people seriously, either.

You act like he saved Stratholm by culling it. All he did was help ruin more of his kingdom. What a guy.


What we’ve been given is that she was “feeding” souls into the Maw after the Arbiter was disabled in Legion. That was the entire point of her actions in BfA.

We’ve also been shown that she betrayed Zovaal because she “refused to served”, indicating that at no point prior did she view herself as a servant of Zovaal.

Now I think that’s totally ridiculous, because how could she ever view herself as anything but a servant of Zovaal. But that’s the logic they’ve offered.

Because she was using the Forsaken as her “bullwark”. Without the Forsaken she did not have the power of a “nation” behind her and so could not as easily enact her plans. The landing at Stormheim to seize Eyir was only possible because she had the Forsaken behind her. Forsaken can’t reproduce and so her raising more to ensure that her army doesn’t dwindle is perfectly logical.

As I said, she was largely self-serving.

I somewhat agree, but also don’t think Arthas and Sylvanas are a direct 1:1.

I do think it’s hard to blame everything Arthas did squarely on him. We even saw through WotLK and EoN that Arthas wasn’t entirely evil.


You’re right, letting the entire city raise into undeath and set off to spread the plague to neighboring villages would have been much better…


You are factually incorrect.
The points you bring up, even if we entertained them to be true, would still be irrelevant.
YOU don’t make the decisions.
The Shadowlands operates on a system where you are granted the right to be judged by the Arbiter and sent to the afterlife you justly deserve.
You simply can’t deny that he should have been given a chance in an actual afterlife like Revendreth. Whether he gets redeemed isn’t a choice for you to make, and isn’t a right you can take away.
Arthas wasn’t given that right, and claiming that right should be taken away from him is frankly the creepiest and most disgusting thing.
Just like in America, you have the right to jury trial. You’d be terrible to take that away and be okay with it regardless of what the person did/didn’t do.

No, I don’t and no one has ever made that claim. He culled Stratholme because it was the only available choice. There were no other viable alternatives and there wasn’t time that could be wasted. Go read the novel, and tell me yourself if you’d rather suffer the horrific process of being turned by the plagued grain or be granted a swift and painless death knowing you hadn’t turned on your friends and family.

It wasn’t an action meant to save Stratholme, it was meant to save the surrounding population.

And that is totally, irredeemable evil that, unlike Arthas, she did of her own free will. Unlike Arthas, WILLFULLY served the Jailer without the domination effects of a mournblade, and only stopped because she doesn’t like being subservient.

Or as other people might have put it “Being told no”

So she willfully commited the same crimes as Arthas by her own free will and entirely self servingly… Unlike Arthas, who’s actions were forced.

Oh yeah, slaughtering innocents really stopped that whole scourge thing from happening to Lordaeron…

Oh wait…

You act like Arthas wasn’t the one who scourged Lordaeron anyway. Go to Stratholm and the surrounding areas - anything he claimed to be saving, he actually destroyed soon after.


After his humanity was stripped from him, and he was forced into service with a Mournblade.

Sylvanas scorged Gilneas, Southshore, Darkshore and Teldrassil completely of her own free will.

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You mean after his soul had been stripped from him by Frostmourne and thus taking away his agency and personality, effectively turning him into a totally new person and killing the actual Prince Arthas?

Reminds of me a certain High Elf that also had their soul damaged, their living self effectively gone and replaced with a totally new person.


Arthas doesn’t deserve redemption or anything but the Maw. I’m not even going to entertain your insanity on this anymore

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If there was no “Good” Arthas, then why did he say “Father, is it over?” when Frostmourn was broken? What do yall think he meant by that? He was enslaved by a mournblade!

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In the end of the novel Arthas chooses to kill the innocent part left in his soul.

By WoLK there was nothing good left in Arthas.