Does anyone talk in game anymore?

If you are camping rares people will talk to you more often than not, probably join group with you to make sure you get a tag on something, or can share hero

Edit. I forgot I am a fox now, Bloodlust!

loktar ogar, and all I guess

Is it just me, or is the sound effect for bloodlust just not as cool?

WoW used to be a form of social media before social media boomed. Outside of guild runs, I don’t think many talk. Plus, many would rather use mic while playing over typing and holding up a group. Not to mention those paying for runs. They’re probably too embarrassed to even type anything.

Not so sure, I think a lot of the people paying for runs, probably are doing it with money they made the same way?

Pretty sure thats the only way I could make that much gold anyway.

I join a lfg and all they do is stand around not completing it so I leave.

I try to chat it up.

Dungeons: if I join a group that already has a duo or partial premade that was mid-convo, I’ll definitely chime in.

Raid: some pug normals/heroics can get chatty sometimes.

sits down in rocking chair

In my day we didn’t have no discords or social medias. When we wanted a group we checked guild, /2, and /4. And then we spent precious silver to ride a flight path for 15 minutes, because of course we did.

Up hill in the snow. Both ways.


Why back in my day we had to get to the raid and have our reagents for buffs. There were no fancy “vendor mounts” back then. Kids these days!

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Ooh that too!

I worked at WM for a while too. Saw a lot of the same things.

In my limited experience, all the community-izing takes place in Mythic.

  • Brim

Grandpaw’s talking again.


Barrens chat is only a chuck Norris joke away :smiley:


Gameplay is just so fast you often can’t make the time.

What is barrens chat?

Shorthand for general chat in the barrens zone back in the Vanilla days.

Chuck Norris jokes were very popular there and then :smiley:


I was hoping there was a general BSing channel, or maybe the trolls would tank it.

I just type during the GCD. I spammed sales in the bank in RS before the GE I’m an expert.

It’s fear of retaliation. Putting players in charge of moderating each other caused this. I’ve heard people getting muted for simple hellos because the system is abused

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I rarely speak in game, because you’re far too censored and people are far too sensitive, I don’t feel like being chat banned… so that’s why I elect to stick to discord and my friends for the most part. At least in discord if they get offended, I won’t potentially be banned.

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