Does anyone talk in game anymore?

blinks four times


I am gud even when I am not.

Are you?

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My brain when someone says hello to me:

David Rose Dread GIF

Walmart ran all the other grocery / retail stores into the ground trying to compete in my area. Even the local mall is dead now. Having worked for Walmart and knowing their general Standard Operating Procedures, I can tell you they definitely donā€™t follow them, example itā€™s a 15 for 20 rule. You have 20 minutes to stock 15 boxes to the shelf. But they will bring out carts with more than 15 and Pallets to the floor which breaks the cold chain. The refrigerator units only maintain the temperature of the item, not bring it back down to temperature that is safe for consumption.

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Doing good over here, good looking out, lol

I almost always chat on the forums, I get too overwhelmed trying to use discord and discord DM and bnet whispers and guild chat and guild officer chat and party chat and forums and email and texts nowadays.

internal power struggle - seen it, been there, At&t, Hp its so stupid

I will admit sometimes if itā€™s queuable content Iā€™m not paying attention to the chat. If someone says hi, Iā€™ll reply in kind, if someone memes, Iā€™ll meme back.

If you talk you can get reported by people who donā€™t like you talking, and then banned by the indiscriminate Blizz bot. Itā€™s safer to just not talk or only to in guild chat.

I do in Lookingforgroup

Youā€™d be surprised at how many players simply do not ever look at chat.

What is there to say?

I talk all the time. Iā€™m always yelling at the computer screen.
Not sure if it helps.

It TOTALLY helps.

I main healer, so usually its:

Someone kick that, oh please, PLEASE, USE YOUR INTERUPT, NOOOOOO!

Progressing in volume until we are dead.

EDIT. I will admit we usually die less when this happens and I am in discord with my group, but when I am not it is still cathartic

When I was doing BFA islands to make gold, I found that before and after islands, people would be willing to chat a little bit.

Itā€™s all surface level stuff, no one is trying to make new besties while doing islands in my experience.

I think some of it is that a lot of people who play this game type soooo slowly.

Iā€™ve sat for what felt like an entire dungeon run worth of time just waiting for people to chicken peck out a single sentence.

Get on VC is you wanna chit chat with me.

People have always talked to their friends in external programs. Vent, Skype, Teamspeak, or even just text stuff. Aim, Xfire, MSN forever ago, whatever.

I think the difference is that over time people kind of stopped doing that AND talking to the people theyā€™re actually playing with. Now itā€™s ā€œIā€™'m talking with my friends Iā€™m going to ignore these randomsā€.

I genuinely hate it. I get it for something like M+ that has basically no downtime, and I donā€™t blame people for not being the one to START a conversation, but man, itā€™s so quiet so often.

The amount of people in WoW who have convinced themselves they canā€™t talk in public or theyā€™ll get reported and silenced is also incredibly high, for no good reason. Obviously some people are just toxic jerks and therefore run into issues, but the sentiment goes beyond those people.

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how about covered in habanero sauce?

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They have streamlined group content TOO much. Now youā€™re just on a treadmill and nobody wants to take a break to chat.

I never really looked at it that way as I almost only ever log into the game when I see people in discord.

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I have found that people will chat if they have something to chat about.

An example would be Newcomer Chat. New players will get on and ask a question about, say, hunters and conversation will grow from that as people discuss the best specs, pets, etc. Another example would be doing a custom order; I have found that sometimes I will have a short conversation with the customer about things because its a mutual topic of interest.

Its like here - if you create a topic that is interesting in some way, people will interact. But if you just walk into an instance with a bunch of strangers who are there for the instance and there is no subject of mutual concern to talk about beyond that, you are likely to get nothing more than a brief response to your greeting and then things move on.