Does anyone talk in game anymore?

I talk more in other MMO’s than WOW by a longshot.

Which is both good and bad.

When I do pugs with guildy groups it’s usually fun for they’re chatty.

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The last time I remember talking in game was asking in Trade Chat for a group for achievement hunting in Gundrak. I couldn’t find one and I haven’t really talked in-game since.

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I gave up on that a long time ago. I’m already introvert as it is, but I gave it a shot. Failed. I’m well and truly finished with trying to be social in video games.

You get this: o7. And that’s it, move around with this “talk” nonsense.

Do your job, I do mine, then we go our separate ways.


When I see someone use the in-game chat I will usually reply because I know how it feels to ask questions and get no answer, it wasn’t always this way. I know from 2004-2011 group chat in World of Warcraft was a thing and quite enjoyable. Even in the more difficult game Ever Quest 1999-2004, people always chatted in groups, but that game, there were no other ways to communicate.

Ever Quest 2 2004-2009, a lot of communication still happened in groups, though other forms of chat started to appear, namely voice programs. In Star Wars: The Old Republic 2011-2016, in game chatting happened a lot as well as inviting people to your discord, mumble, skype or team-speak servers.

When I came back to WoW a month before Shadowlands launched, I noticed that in game chatting wasn’t a thing anymore. Yes, occasionally you could get in a chat in the trade channel in city, but it usually dissolved into insults or rubbish.

I will usually say something in a group if I join one with a simple Hello, or mention I am new to a dungeon and lately I say, I have a handicap (2 amputated fingers). Most people don’t say a thing and in the few times I have joined a Discord, even not a lot of communication in those. Only in re-mix have I seen a lot more chat in groups and with one I got a few people saying damn-it I am getting beat by a 3-fingered person on the DPS meter.

As I mentioned at the start, I don’t mind communicating if someone needs help or has a question as I always ask. I just feel the game has just moved more to a “me” generation of self-interest players that don’t care as much about others or only talk to their group of friends/guildmates.

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So, do you like chicken?

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People today are …different than they were in the 2000s. Back in BC or WotLK, my guild would often PUG an extra or two for raids or heroics and we’d have the PUGs get on vent - we all talked - get in vent or GTFO. This is how we got new members, new friends, and made new in-game connections. Text-speak is annoying, and folks type too slow - just talk with your mouth!

Our guild was always on vent - you logged in to vent before Warcraft just to chat with guildies while your game started up.

Folks today are …I don’t know. Afraid of conversation? Unable to make small talk? Too self-absorbed in their differences, syndromes and triggers to have a conversation with another gamer. It’s all very weird.


LOL! I do, actually, yes. Fried and covered in Louisiana hot sauce or grilled with honey BBQ will get my money every time.

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Most people don’t talk much, However last night I was queing with my wife’s alt doing normal dungeons. We ended up chatting with the others in our second group a bit and
ended up running 3-4 dungeons as a group. So it does happen. However, I will say I was more or less running all 4 through the dungeons so it could have been just a simple ride the easy ride as long as you can type of thing.

But over all its much less, which can kill the social aspect of the game. Which in turn (IMHO) can make the game feel boring and grindier? I dunno, I am also old school and that seems to be just that, old school lol

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I find that the value of Costco rotisserie chicken (knowing they lost money selling it to me)

Makes it the most delicious kind, but I love chicken too, haha

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I miss Costco. There isn’t one around here for miles. Our choices around here are Walmart ( :face_vomiting:), Kroger (Hit or miss), or Harps. There’s a Harps right down the road from us and it’s always on point.

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The only way people talk now is through memes and tiktok videos.

are the glasses on your character the ones you get from the vendor in stormwind?

I think I have all the glasses, but I am not sure…

No earthly idea lol.

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Another one of these threads huh.

inserts “if you want to talk, talk”

They are onyx glare reducers, totally from the vendor in orgrimmar, thanks though!

EDIT. Nice shades

i mostly run M+ (mostly low ones in s4 but did mid keys in the early seasons).

I mostly tank and always drop a “hey there” once invited.

if there is complete radio silence, I start to worry about the key.
If people are getting to the stone and not summoning, and there is no comms at all and I see people in the dungeon already when others had to travel to get there, i will probably just leave the key before it even starts.

i generally respond to the text hello, but I’m generally in chat

bE tHe cHaNgE yOu wAnT tO sEe

hahahahahaha ^ I tried.

I do not talk as much anymore. Game feels so blah. I miss when ppl talked in game vs discord or w/e ppl use now. *unless you get a close friend(s) then talking in voice is best, imo. but I do miss ppl talking more in the world.

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Is this a ransom note?

Blink twice if you need help…


Eh, my content is keys and there is minimal need for communication aside from an occasional ping. I’m also pulling fast enough that your fingers should be doing rotation and mechanics, not being chatty :stuck_out_tongue:

In casual content or LFR? I’ll chat, there is enough downtime to do it.

If you are looking for a group to chat with, most of that is done via discord by guilds now. It’s just more efficient.