Does anyone talk in game anymore?

I will, and if it works, you are my new favorite internet stranger

If you offered me a solution to playing cod with my cousen and his friend on the playstation (that somehow can’t figure out discord, although I am 90% sure discord on the ps5 is a thing?)

And I do not have to hear the worlds clickiest keyboard for hours on end, you will be my savior

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In LFD? Not a lot.

The most I’ve been able to get people to talk is just by running my Twinks through BfA Dungeons instead of WoD (where all the other Twinks are).

People generally don’t know much about that little hole of the game so the absurdity of how broken it is gets some folks talking.

In normal dungeons I always greet the group and most of the time at least one person responds but it’s not like it’s leading to a conversation.

My friend, never stop trying.

Personally, I go for hardcore RP. I’ve got a forsaken rogue from Alterac who’s never been keen on the Alliance. Takes these cross faction Bgs as a way to…push her boundaries in that sense.

Is it distracting? Possibly. Is it engaging to see someone start talking too, especially when we’re losing and there ain’t nothing she can do? Yep :3

As for this girl we’re just always trying to advocate for fun and explaining the rules - there’s surprisingly a lotta folks who have not clue how the Temple of Kotmogu works.

Is it a monk?

I had never heard of this until my friend showed me his monk that was locked at baby levels somehow.

Seemed like doing that had similiar vibes to pandaland.

This is a common forum myth.
Folks aren’t report-happy, folks just dislike offensive and vile people. So as long as one isn’t one of them … very few folks report people. The reason why the reminder was implemented into the game the way it has been is specifically because of that reason.

The “vagueness” of it can literally be summarised as “don’t intentionally antagonize other people”, and wanting it to spell it out any clearer than that is just what folks who want to skirt as absolutely close to it as possible are asking for. So no, there ain’t a problem with the social contract.


There’s a forsaken in the valley of trials? I think? Who will stop your xp from going up :3

Raises hand, lol

is this a pvp thing, I try not to inflict myself on other peoples pvp groups, I am the worlds worst.

I know, you don’t get better when you don’t try, but there is wisdom in the saying “If at first you don’t succeed, try again, then quit, no use being a darned fool about it”

My favorite was Mage followed by Warrior.

(Warrior and Monk use the same gimmick as low level twinks tbh)

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People talk in BGs all the time. lol

No, why would you? Your in there to clear dungeon or raid. Not a chatroom.

If someone says Hi and I say hi back. I just recently went back to lfg on remix and man everything is go go go. Barely enough time to pick up quests. I understand players want to get it over with but damn slow down. If i was a new player, I would miss out. So glad I experienced Wow in early stages of classic these days are terrible. imo.

Being social is gross :frowning:

I talk to people tons - in character, out of character, in /say and /emote, in Discord, etc.

But, you know…RP server. That’s how we do.

I’m generally not interested in making idle conversation with randos in LFR/LFD.

Not really. The most I usually say is thank you at the end of a dungeon or raid.

Theres places to be social like specific discords, reddit, etc. A MMO where the objective is to clear raid/dungeon isnt one of them to be social. Next best thing is a social guild perhaps?

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I know it’s hard for some people to wrap their head around this, but it’s not 2004 anymore.
The novelty of talking to someone potentially half a world away while looking right at their avatar has long since worn off.

As many have already pointed out, there are lots of other, and arguably better ways to communicate with each other, i.e Discord or even here on the forums.

Most people playing the game just want to play the game and be left in peace, or with their own friends. They’re usually not going to entertain some rando asking in party chat if they like chicken.


There is no need for conversation. Get the activity done and that’s it’. Conversations start usually in keys when there is some problems with run.

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For the last couple of weeks, every day i have done the three Remix dailies (one scenario, one dungeon and one wing of LFR for the raid quest), plus all world boss kills. When i load into each instance i say hello, and when i arrive at each world boss i greet everyone, I’m usually lucky to have 1-2 responses per day across all activities lol

Make small talk and eventually you’ll notice an uptick in people talking to you. Crack a silly joke when something dumb happens.

In BFA thanks to Arcane Linguist (before they BROKE IT AND HAVENT FIXED IT SINCE), I made a friend (as Nightborne who do not normally speak Thalassian) with a void elf who had no idea language changing was even a thing in the game and I guided them to swap to Thalassian and had a conversation with them.

We don’t like, hang out, but we made actual friends and have talked several times over the years since. So yeah, you can even make friends over a language barrier in this game.

Go to a RP realm like MoonGuard (If u are Ally) Or Wyrmrest accord (if horde)

I’m havin a blast on those realms with the (good’n talktive) community