Does anyone talk in game anymore?

Thankfully they just legalized in my home state, but if I am going to be honest with you, there are countless forums I can get all I want to or need to hear about that one. You could come get some growing tips from my next door neighbor :slight_smile:

More likely if you say or do something interesting I will engage with you. I will always try to be polite and I wouldnā€™t just ignore you, but I doubt that is what people who want others to talk more are really looking for

EDIT. somehow I doubt a social forum like this would want me linking you to other social communites, but they are out there, and filled with friendly people if that is what you are interested in.

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For Dungeons and Raids, players are generally focused on getting through them (even holiday dungeons they just want to do and get out). If you want to strike up a casual conversation, Iā€™d suggest trying in cities, though do be aware that not all players speak English.

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Well, if you are talking about LFG in terms of M+ thenā€¦ overall folks who are pugging are there with a ā€œget it doneā€ mentality. I still manage to strike up conversations prior and during the dungeon regularly though.

If you are talking about LFD though thenā€¦ ehā€¦ No.
Folks who run LFD fall into the category of ā€œIā€™m here because of easy experienceā€ or ā€œIā€™m here because Iā€™m a solo player who is, for one reason or another, in general averse towards other players and thus stick to whatever is queueable for my general gameplay loop.ā€

If you try doing world quests or just talk with random folks you come across in the world, A LOT of them will respond. Some of them will be short and even terse, others might join in with a bit of fun and then move on.

Folks still talk in-game, but one needs to know why someone is participating in an activity to understand what kind of conversation one can have with people.




Try google translate, it will get you through at least 1 knock knock joke

What did Tarzan say when he saw 1000 elephants running over the hill?

ā€¦ā€œLook there is 1000 elephants running over the hillā€

What did Tarzan say when he saw 1000 elephants with sunglasses on running over the hill?

Nothing, he didnā€™t recognize them.

I am willing to throw it at google translate, and hope for the best


It depends. Iā€™ve had short conversations when goofy stuff has happened during the run. Example: Rogue ran off ahead and started a boss fight and the rest of us got locked out. We were kind of making jokes and stuff while he soloed the boss.

Most of the time though, no one has time to type in chat, and who uses the audio chat?

I thought we were all in guild discord?

The WoW community is incredibly anti-social and has been like that for a long time. You can find people socializing in Discords and certain guilds (the ones that arenā€™t mass inviting people without guilds), but the social interaction youā€™re referring to in-game simply doesnā€™t exist anymore.

Unless people have a reason to talk to you, they wonā€™t.


Unless I already know you, I probably wonā€™t talk very much or at all, most likely Iā€™m just here to fill some content and move on to something else.
However if you project some good vibes, Iā€™ll absolutely answer, however not small talk. I really dislike small talk.

Yep, if you walked up and told me a joke, I might ask if you like your guild or not, lol

I am not sure the etiquette here, but I am pretty sure it is always allowed for you to link your discord. people do not have to comeā€¦

Join moon guard. I stayed up an entire hr originally trolling with people but they are more than happy to talk to u in game. Kinda the experience I was looking for so I might re role a night elf since its alliance only realm.

Iā€™d throw a quick quip or at least a ā€œ:)ā€ or ā€œlolā€ but I canā€™t do much more simply because I hate trying to type and fight / pay attention to the game at the same time.

If we had automatic voice chat upon entering a dungeon, Iā€™d talk all the time. lol Thatā€™s the one thing Overwatch has over WoW. XD

But yeah, for me it comes down to not being able to multitask and read on-the-go. XP

This probably is why remix feels more social, but also they kind of set up an environment promoting the strong to carry the weak there, so i donā€™t knowā€¦

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Well there are better platforms like discord but otherwise I would be wary of talking in wow anyways.

People are report happy, more so here on the forums than in game it seems, but according to our lovely and highly vague social contract, most anything is punishable depending on the bias of the mod at that time.

I dont think this is true of discord, but then I havent had any problems with the game and havent really tried the in game chat

Generally when I am gaming I like the noise cancellation offered by discord, in game chat usually sounds terrible. Maybe wows is amazing, I have never tried it.

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Eh, yeah, but I still talk in OW anyway. Though lots of people are afraid to now because of that thing.

Honestly, I mostly just want to ask if anyone needs gear I loot or ask for boss fight information, etc. Very basic stuff, and I hate having to type it really fast and pray someone sees it.

Also to compliment peopleā€™s transmog. :sweat_smile: But mostly the first one. lol


Iā€™m afraid to talk out of fear of random reports/bans in retail. I still see people being obnoxiously silly in classic server trade chat and some groups, instance chats for sure when raid prog gets boring.

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I strike up conversation from time to time, but itā€™s harder when there is little to talk about in content you are not engaged with. Try inviting people to give their thoughts, favorite pokemon, pringles, how was work, have you seen the kids recently, why do you never take your shoes off coming inside?

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If youā€™re looking for a solution for that, look up crystalsound. It can act as a noise canceller for an application which doesnā€™t support it by itself. It works phenomenally.