No need for snark. Just pointing out why folks thought you might be trolling them.
I remember the days when you built a group to run a 5-man and had to take at least two classes with a solid CC. Usually in my case it was a Rogue and a Hunter. SAP and Frost Trap were very solid CC’s back when they were needed.
Part of me misses that type of dungeon. Honestly if they just got rid of the timers in Mythic + I think for the most part they are decent as is. Timers are only needed in competitive play or for bragging rights IMO.
My apologies. This is my third account. Started cause my wife took over my first and my son my second. I’ve been here since day one. My point was simple…I don’t remember dates or when stuff was released or what patch numbers had what…I do know however that since the addition of making everything quicker and less mechanical sub numbers have continued to decrease. Obviously…some of that is normal but the drop in subs and extended que time waits are surely related to the fact that for almost the entire playerbase almost everything in the game has become about nothing more than rushing through mindless content. When the game was more technical more people played it…it’s just a fact. Sorry for my rude reply.
The one where you actually have a kit worth using instead of CCing and fighting 1 mob at a time.
It’s…not, though. Like I said, WoW hit its peak in subs after the addition of dungeon finder, and in fact didn’t start declining until a ways into Cataclysm, the expansion that infamously brought back the “harder” heroic dungeons that necessitated the use of CC and careful pulling
This right here is why the game is trash now.
The game’s very technical now. There’s just a bunch of easier versions of the content which aren’t.
Because you don’t fight mobs one at a time with an extremely simple kit? The game’s in a way better state than those days.
I haven’t done a mythic on this toon yet but there wasnt a single mechanic in any normal or heroic dungeons other than not standing in a swirly and flying away for a few seconds in any dungeon in the entire expansion. I don’t think a single boss fight was more than 2 minutes at max…for the raid I topped dps in pvp gear. The game is absolutely easy mode for anything Ive done this expansion. It is by far easier than it has ever ever been. The difficulty is set to the floor right now and it does get boring very fast. If it weren’t for the horror on the forums I may try mythic but the way it looks it’s not appealing at all. So…outside of one form of gameplay…there is zero challenge available. This isn’t good for holding subs.
That’s simply untrue across all levels of dungeons.
The words you’re looking for after reading that paragraph are “Yes I agree”.
Well it wasn’t for me. Lol…what mechanics are there other than my dos rotation and avoiding swirlies?
Apology accepted. I think the reason it was so popular back then stemmed from a few reasons:
- There was no competition. EQ was garbo in comparison, and other MMOs had not yet gotten a solid start
- Queuing for things removed the need for meeting stones and groups having to work together
- Heirlooms removed the need for groups to be careful since they were already OP and scaled with you.
- Cross realm zones made realms seem more full and encouraged more zone conversation to form up groups to queue
World of Warcraft subscriber numbers at roughly 7.25 million, after hitting a low of 4.07 million during Battle for Azeroth and 4.5 million during Shadowlands. Subs were 12.5M in Q4 of 2010 and Q1 of 2011 as Wrath transitioned to Cataclysm. However, this was after LFD was introduced and before LFR. We know the number dropped a bit and came back up to 10M for Mists, which then oddly enough sunk to almost 7M toward the last season, and then jumped back up to 10M at the start of WoD when it completely bottomed out and Blizz stopped sharing data.
Any number of reasons can cause the highs and lows. Time change. QoL improvements are added. People grow up, get married, have families, grow tired of the game. This list goes on. Without hard exit data from Blizz, there is not a single, solitary person on this forum who could offer a 100% accurate answer, and if they try, they just want to win the discussion, cause they know less than they think. We all have opinions and speculations, myself included, and none of us have actual facts minus what Data Blizz was sharing, til they stopped sharing.
Then you were literally ignoring the mechanics, including Viq’goth somehow when those mechancis are literally essential to clearing the encounter.
Looks awkwardly at war stacking during classic zg.
Also looks awkwardly at excluding a 2nd lock and telling the boomkin to only cast wrath so they don’t overwrite dots.
It wasn’t. At all.
You are literally comparing a time when you’d go oom fighting 1 mob. A time when it was more valuable to cast a single spell vs do your rotation because the mana to damage ratio for your other spells weren’t worth it.
A time where you couldn’t bring whoever because you needed certain buffs/debuffs. Too many dot classes meant they’d overwrite each others dots. Etc.
Compared to now you can bring whoever and whatever.
Run whatever. Play however. You don’t need to bring wars to stack sunders. A druid to debuff.
Literally saying stoneage clacking two rocks together was better (and how fast classic trailed off showed that the majority didn’t like this).
Hah I scrolled down just a bit after typing all the above and you beat me to it
Dungeon mechanics are generally quite basic but off the top of my head.
Dodge xyz
Swapping to adds / cc’ing them away from the boss
Using defensives on major damage events
Spreading with debuffs
Picking up and delivering bombs
Kiting adds / disrupting dangerous casts
Stacking in soaks
Baiting positional abilities away from the group
Using personal utility / dispels / freedoms
Line of sighting otherwise unavoidable damage
I wasnt ignoring anything. I just push buttons mindlessly…nothing ever happened I had to think twice about. Never really had an issue at all. The only time I saw a problem is when a healer couldn’t keep up on the giga pull and we would wipe. That’s literally it. Nothing other than dying to pull size happened yet this expansion.
You played the game on easy mode and called it easy. No ~ Sherlock.
You not paying attention to mechanics in difficulties designed with a near-100% success rate is fine, but there’s many mechanics in the dungeons, far more than there ever were going on in early expansions where you’d CC mobs and single target one at a time. If you want to see mechanics going on, pay attention in the dungeons or play at a level where damaging mechanics will actually kill you.
I also remember when in early Cata, they made routine heroics “more heroic”. And being on the second(?) boss of Blackrock Caverns, the party wiped…and immediately disbanded. Everyone left.
I was the tank, so I just requeued. Got another group. We wiped again, and it immediately disbanded.
The 3rd try was successful.
Turns out when it takes a 1/2 hour to get a group, and 10 minutes to get to the dungeon, folks are motivated to stick it out and try to make things work.
When the dungeon is a mouseclick away with complete strangers, not so much.
That attitude hasn’t really changed.