Does anyone know why the arbiter went to sleep

Does anyone know what that red ball was?
The arbiter is already dead, and we never got that explained.

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Who else could have done it besides the Jailer or one of his assosciates?

The ball is red, so it may be made of Revendreth anima. Revendreth is above the Maw. It may be above Oribos as well. The ball came from above, if you rewatch the cinematic.

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The girl reading this.

I don’t think we’ll ever get a straightforward answer.


The red ball was the plot of BFA (specifically how the main characters acted/reacted) entering her mind. It was so stupid it gave her an aneurysm and she went into a coma.


It was Sheev’s final destination OP


For a while I thought it was Argus’ soul, and that since it was so huge and powerful it knocked her offline. Recently I’ve started thinking it was just some weaponized anima that Denathrius launched at her like a missile. I half expect that we’ll never find out. The only story they’re going to touch on in the rest of the expansion is the final fight against the Jailer at The Sepulcher, and the next episode of The Sylvanas Show.


If we don’t get an answer in this Expansion we can merely assume some random Villain attacked the Arbiter(either by throwing a bolt at her or by ramming directly into her) while Denathrius and Zovaal were siphoning the Anima from the Shadowlands and I’m sure they were stealing Anima since the moment Denathrius first sided with Zovaal.

Bonus points if said random Villain was trying to force a confrontation with Zovaal just because said random Villain wanted him dead!

Ah, a man of culture.

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“I keep trying to unmake the cosmos but I’m too dummy thicc and the clap of my booty cheeks broke the machinery of death”

I’ll be shocked if we do tbh


At this point I’m not sure if even the writers themselves know what the red ball was.


Pretty sure it was Denathrius. Same anima color and he’s the only one with the power, motive and circumstances to be able to directly attack her like that. The only other option is Mueh’zala, who’s unlikely. It was a planned attack though, not a freak event. Accidents don’t happen in Oribos. The Jailer was moving Sylvanas into position as Warchief shortly before the Arbiter went down. He was already in motion.

Everyone also openly acknowledges he caused the anima drought too at the end of the campaign when it was declared. I think the problem is because Blizz didn’t explicitly say “Denathrius shot the Arbiter” there’s still debate and uncertainty about it. When more likely that was the actual answer. But the story has completely moved on and the Arbiter is now vaporized. So we can just take it as he did it since all arrows point to him. :arrow_forward: :arrow_backward:

It’s not Argus. Blizz said the Arbiter broke shortly after the Emerald Nightmare raid. That Ysera and Ursoc were among the last to be sorted normally. Argus didn’t die until much later after that. Titans probably don’t even go to the SL to begin with. They’re cosmic beings, not living mortals like us.


Don’t forget the Shadowlands are weird where time is concerned.

I mean, take the disappearance of the Primus and the creation of Frostmourne/the Helm of Domination. The Primus created them, and yet Alexandros, who fell to the Scourge, was in Maldraxxus before the Primus disappeared.

One might keep in mind that the Primus’ capture doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the actual creation of Frostmourne and the Helm. He could have created them well before - perhaps even as far back as when imprisoning Zovaal - as part of the mechanisms keeping Zovaal contained. It’s possible Zovaal extracting their designs from him was occurring well after then to inform the creation of Kingsmourne, rather than an indication of when those two items actually got made.


There’s also this. Blizzard used to sell replicas. exclusive-replica/o-10386864+t-76610248+p-3435174211+z-9-2482361422 

“Forged according to the Jailer’s will, the Helm of Domination was to be the vessel of Death’s influence on Azeroth. The nathrezim imprisoned the spirit of the orc chieftain Ner’zhul within the helm, granting him command over a vast army of undead Scourge. The fallen Prince Arthas Menethil freed the Helm from the Frozen Throne, donning it to take up the mantle of the Lich King.”


Ugh. Seems like every time there’s even a tiny glimmer of something still having room to add up with the WarCraft history, it turns out they took all of the energy they should have put toward making the new stuff work with the old and put it toward deliberately making sure it doesn’t work.

Guess we can just assume the Jailer did everything, everywhere, that anyone else ever seemingly did. Presumably every single raid encounter in the history of WoW was really a bunch of dreadlords disguised as players steering every single event to make sure this current expansion would happen.


Remember this quest? All that RED JUICY ANIMA?!?!?!

Oh yea… the sword was alive. :slight_smile:


Y’all are overplaying your hand trying to get me banned in some capacity because I muted some of you on twitter after trying to harass me lmao

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if you’re a DK and you empowered the Blades of the Fallen Prince… R.I.P Arbiter.

It’s the Legion Frost DK who broke the Arbiter, that would be a neat twist. Sucking up the power of Sargeras sword with the shards of Frostmourne can’t be that bad of an idea right?!


Peeps still creepily stalking and harassing you?