Yes, but not the same xp
didnt that entire island give experience while youre running thru it.
I think it did.
Id be ok with AI dungeons being the same
If you’re earning exactly what’s in Normal dungeons, then you’re earning XP, as well.
Edit: apparently I was wrong! Disregard. XP is earned, but slower.
in a world where no joke trolls or horrible players are there to trash the run. lmao.
My take: Players should earn XP in AI dungeons, but only from mob/boss kills, and it should be identical to whatever they’d be earning if they were running the dungeon in a group.
The big “dungeon completion” XP bonus is specifically for using the LFD system; you don’t get it if you make a premade group and walk to a dungeon entrance and run it that way. Based on this, I think AI dungeons should NOT offer that specific bonus.
I don’t think so
Dragon Age actually does have multiplayer in Inquisition. Not sure about Dread Wolf yet. The point is, options are GOOD.
Just dont give the random dungeon bonus…or reduce it by a lot.
Welp, then I’m wrong.
I didn’t even know PTR was out yet.
You do have options?.. you get all the same rewards and items still.
Learner AI dungeons are meant to prepare you for grouping with real players.
It’s not for isolating yourself from the world and power leveling with AI.
Which is true. Pretty sure Old Republic’s story modes don’t give you all that much XP either.
Probably so you don’t farm them for quick leveling.
Lol…so a great new thing has been "Ion"ized…again…lmao
Honestly, it’s logical and fits with how Story Modes have worked previously from my experience.
These guys just want a single player game lmao.
Well, it looks like a bunch of people think solo leveling in a dungeon would be fun.
Don’t get me wrong, I love Story Modes! But to me (and most, I would gather), they’re meant to know the story, practice and then move on up to group content.
I mean, I don’t even know what the heck took place in RLP, because from day one, it’s always been GO GO GO and I had to click off the dialogue boxes. LOL
You can still solo level…it will just take longer if that’s what you’re craving.
You still can. Just at a much slower rate. Which makes sense.
If you wanted to level efficiently, you’d probably want to level by questing. As The Follow AI dungeons don’t have a “Random Dungeon” feature that rewards a big bunch of xp.
I’ll use the follow ai dungeons for their true purpose, “practice new roles” while farming transmog.
After taking my main through questing, I don’t desire to do it again. Solo dungeons would be a chill alternative for alts. There are others, but this could be an option.