Does anyone enjoy fighting fire mage in its current state?

This feels worse than when fire mage used to gpie spam.

Pair them with feral or assassination and I’m disgusted as a healer. Doesn’t even need to poly at all playing these comps and still wins

What the hell mab


Of course not. I play the least mobile spec in the game (enh).

You waste your mobility to hide behind a pillar to die

I expected an uwu to have posted this, cwank

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“Fighting against fire mage is a lot of fun”

Said nobody ever.


nah mm says that cause they get to melt them from 50 yrds away.

I’m lvling a fire mage as we speak, it’s fun!!!


I just play fire so yeah, it’s fun to pew pew other fire mages.

honestly this game has so many giga cooldowns and ccs and stuff that fighting any class/spec can be an exhausting nightmare.

id rather warlocks do double the dam they do no wnad have zero self healing, than have them have 10 cc and all these insane shields for 2mil hp etc

Long cooldowns like meta need to go

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in general anything that has insane damage and can’t be a kill target is pretty bad for the game.

fire mage?

how about any mage

unlimited healing
unlimited blinking
unlimited snare
super ablatives
really high damage all from range

tank, healer dps all in 1 class

Im waiting for 2 mages to main tank raids, I’m sure they can do it.

You keep using that word…I don’t think it means what you think it means

Sounds like your trolling capacity is unlimited bud

Unlimited power!!!

it’s def cheesy into pet classes. I’d argue that assa is what’s making it strong tho, insane synergy

These are the arena forums. No one enjoys anything.

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I like random bgs and collecting hats. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

even without assa it pumps so much damage ran into a fire mage unholy dk mage doing 320k dps the entire game even when we didn’t stack its lovely.