Does anyone enjoy fighting fire mage in its current state?

This version of fire mage infinitely better than wht we had in SL.

Immortal with triune, wheen and run the entire game farming combust.

Combust is way less lethal and at least now they W and play the game. Specs interacting with the game is infinitely better than specs that can’t die, running for more than half the time waiting for DRs and one shots.

This is literally the version of fire mage you all begged for for years. Way better than the garbage we had in BFA and SL.

You can’t spend years saying “CD’s are too lethal and sustain means nothing” and then complain when fire mages actively play the game with consistent damage all game long.


I agree with this 1000%. I actually think this cufrent iteration of mage is similarly immortal, though, and I really just don’t like flamecannon bonus range.

Most specs of mage definitely still feel unreasonably tanky for sure.

But it’s moving in the right direction.

only thing that makes mage not immortal is a aimed shot to the dome. Otherwise, they won’t die unless a mistake is made. especially cvark i hate fighting cvark

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Anyone wanna pull up the death ratio among specs so we can find out what really hard to kill.

depends on mage but always enjoy each and every one

Pretty easy to find. Fire mage is ranked # 7 in first blood in shuffle. So towards the top.

Least killed dps are DH, Aug evoker, and Outlaw/sub.

honestly imo this game has way too much cc/stalling / self heals. id like to see all this crap toned down 25%

this is the biggest offender for me. Just doing skirms, which 90% is double dps vs double dps and the millions of self healing done is absurd. Every class has it now, it seems.

It’s what makes a dampening meta even worse when DPS can self sustain like they do when healer is CC’d.

Like, take mage for example. We have Ice Block, but then they went ahead and added a 80% heal to ice block - why? Or blinking heals you, shields heal you, etc. All this passive healing. You should be forced to use your active spell book to survive while your healer is cc’d or stop the setup to survive, not just heal yourself up while your healer can’t.

Does anyone ever enjoy fighting mages

Fighting rogue mage in 2s really does make you question the self healing given to “pure DPS” classes.

Not if you are a warrior, you don’t and we never will. I do enjoy watching marksmans blast them into dust tho.