Does anyone else struggle to understand why people like the opposite faction?

Have you seen the world today? Lets do it! We may get the Nobel Peace Prize

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Same reason if you make a thread titled “Why I hate wow” you get a million responses. Yet if you make a thread titled “Why I still enjoy wow” you will get 20 at best and the thread will move VERY slow.

Ever wonder how Kim K. got famous? People LOVE drama and negativity. Sad but true. They drink it up like water in the desert. She was on a Reality show filled with drama. Sling shotted her to fame. Same with that Honey Boo Boo. In this day and age you dont need a Brain to get famous like you did in my generation. You just need to be involved in heeps of drama

Shreads know how to push all these buttons. Hes pro at it thats why he makes these threads

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Honey Boo Boo is 16 years old and dating a 20-year old dude now.

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These are all normalized talking points, and they’re all kind of wrong. The faction imbalance was down to a few percentage points, meaning the sample pool for factions would still draw from upward of millions of players on either side. Also, you group from a server which would be high pop (hypothetically), you don’t group from an arbitrary number which might represent overall pop.

As I said above you know how to push all these buttons. Your pro at it and thats why you make these threads

You should write your own reality TV show Shreds and make millions

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What a weird post to make. I am baffled why anyone cares about who plays what factions because with a few clicks you could ALSO play that faction.

It’s like if you only played racing games and only drove black cars. And then you didn’t understand why anyone would drive a blue car. And then hated them for it. Absolutely bizarre.

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I was sort of like this. I used to only play Bowser on Mario Kart and when people would play Luigi, I would make a point to follow and harass them with shells. I never hated Luigi in other games, but for some reason, I couldn’t stand him in Mario Kart. :rofl:

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I really dislike monster/non human looking races. Non-humanlike skin tones like orc fluorescent green or fur bother me if its my own character. I like boots too so races that can’t wear boots are a no
On horde i’m pretty much limited to blood elf and after playing a blood elf from wrath until end of wod i guess i just needed a change when i came back to wow for SL

Hoping with cross faction i can stay blue team for the next foreseeable future

My initial reaction to the OP was “Horde is SEXY!” and as I scrolled through the comments I was mentally composing an elaborate response. But you summed it up better than I could have. Thank you.

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I don’t understand this post either, like why is someone so concerned about what other people like? :laughing:

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I would hazard to use the saying… “Grow up”. or “Its just a game.”.

I know you’ll have an Al Jaffe snappy answer to which I will also respond… “Ok… grow up”


Have a good one OP!

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It’s human nature to contrast one’s own decisions and preferences against the decisions and preferences of others in order to gain a deeper insight into one’s own motivations and to cultivate a better understanding of those who differ from one’s own outlook. :man_shrugging:


racial self-hatred is SICK

Yeah it’s invigorating.

You seem to have the exact same feeling, except the other way around. If YOU can be biased your way, why can’t someone else be biased the opposite way?

You’ve already admitted in several other posts that you are “different” from other folks.

By default then, other folks are different from you.

You answered your own question.


Well, when it seems that you’re already in deep dislike of the Alliance based on your post, I don’t know why the opinions of others matters? Maybe I just don’t understand, oh well.


It’s very close/simple minded if you can’t comprehend why someone would play alliance. My first 60 in vanilla was an orc shaman. My second 60 was a NE hunter. There has never been a time that I didn’t play both. To me it’s inconceivable how so many players view horde as the only option. It is really a very juvenile middle school cool shill idea. I can’t comprehend why so many players stick to one side as if it is part of their personal tribe.

It’s a fantasy game. I want to experience more than just once side.

Plus I always prefer the underdog team because I’m a moron.


No. But also, do people really like the faction? I play Alliance because they have less PVPers, and every win I get as Alliance I know I had to contribute to. You don’t get carried, and I enjoy the hardmode nature of Alliance PVP.

If tomorrow the Horde were low. pop. faction I’d switch.


Accurate. I could never have said it better.