Does anyone else struggle to understand why people like the opposite faction?

My main is an alliance, I really dont like playing the horde. I only have horde characters because my friends play on horde. Why dont I like the Horde? I dunno.

Nobody can take the Orcs seriously if their hate towards the Human is “They locked us in camps after we ran through a portal and tried to kill them all! How dare they!?”

Some races’ hate for the Alliance in the Horde is hilarious and ridiculous. I could understand the Forsaken, but not the Orcs and deffinitely not trhe silly hate Lorthemar has when he was the first one trying to ditch the Horde in MoP.

And while you’re right that the Alliance is boring around the overused human lore, the Horde, in my opinion, is not more interesting. Law and Order is what civilized and advanced people do. Playing cavemans is not fun in the slightest.


I’m up to 15 60’s right now and I play on both sides. I mostly play alliance because that’s where my friends are, but I play horde as well because that’s where pretty much everything else is. In terms of lore / cosmetics, it doesn’t matter too much for me, both sides are fairly gray. They both have their positives and negatives, and I think that’s something that Blizz has really nailed over the years. You can relate to the alliance while empathizing with the horde, or vice versa, which makes playing either one of them and immersing yourself in the lore of either thing an understandable thing.

You misspelled “boot lickers.”

So are you a boot licker? Because Blood Elves are more radical than the humans with it and by far. Not to mention how we live in real life.

In fact, every Horde race is now abiding by law and order. So…

I’m a demon hunter. I go my own way. I have even forsaken the illidari. No one can stop me.

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No. I don’t care about other people’s niche video game preferences.

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DHs are the biggest Illidan fans ever. They are far more radical than the Blood Elves, which is huge.

Now you abide by the Horde, both factions are boot lickers. In fact, by your own term, the Horde is even more sio, because they’d go against their own values just because a silly man or girl with a silly title orders it. :eyes:


Ew gross, a healthy person.


You just KNOW every capital besides Silvermoon smells on the horde side.

Shame they gave us the funko pop version of Nightborne too, and not the cool ones.

Silvermoon has a smell, too. At least on Moon Guard.

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Thats a gross stereotype and not at all the motivation of the Vikings.

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Absolutely this. :point_up:

I play both factions and understand all of the main characters and both cultures— because I took the time to do so.



Getting rid of factions is the future.

Idk about you, but if aliens opened up a portal and poured through intent on destroying everything to use our world for themselves because they already ruined theirs and we pushed them back, I’d be pretty racist against the aliens too. I don’t even think that really qualifies as racism. It was every Orc. Even if corruption was involved, it was still every Orc. It’d be impossible to trust them after that.

Trolls aren’t quite as bad but the playable ones actively joined with the aforementioned aliens, and that’s a tiny tiny minority of Trolls – a tribe that almost get wiped out. Almost every other Troll is hostile, even to playable Trolls. Why would we be on good terms? (sorry, I don’t know Troll lore from the books, I know there were some wars or something?)

And Forsaken are literally zombies. Come on now.

I would help the aliens if possible and stay out of their way if not. I would never side with humanity against another species. Anything is better than us.

They’re literally not. Zombies are mindless. The entire theme of the Forsaken is that they regained their minds and free will.


Not really, i don’t think I ever spent any time on the matter.

I play both sides and don’t have strong feelings one way or the other.


I spent 17 years Baffled how anyone could like the Horde

I think if we ever came in contact with each other, it would unmake reality.

lol I feel like this explains so much.

“Nah, the entire field of ethics is a lie.”.


How do these threads end up with almost a hundred replies? It is just a guilty pleasure to respond to bait? Or are people actually fooled?