Does anyone else struggle to understand why people like the opposite faction?

I’ve always played both factions. The only race that really turns me off is blood elf. I think they were a big mistake.

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I don’t know and I don’t care! People like what they like :smiley_cat:

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Whenever “horde forever!” Shills open their mouth I feel like I’m in middle school and want to vomit.


/Inserting my broken record:

Why limit myself to half the game?

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :yin_yang: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:



Why is fictional hyper-tribalism so important to some people that they’ll throw away half a product? If the nature of the play was radically different (PvP vs PvE) that would be one thing, but…

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When the game first came out, you couldn’t make a Pretty horde character. I mean… ok… Night Elves. But if you were someone who played Elves and Humans in previous games, forget about it. Horde was fugly. I think a lot of people went Alliance cause they didn’t wanna be ugly. (that’s my story and I’m sticking to it).

That was before Blood Elves, of course.

I actually have characters on both factions. However, I don’t really like the Horde zones especially the Forsaken and Orc starting zones. I don’t like the layout of Orgrimmar either. I’ve played more horde since I can bypass these zones.

However, I won’t ever play Forsaken. Just a personal preference.

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The Horde is, and always has been, the emo teenage boy’s fantasy.

I didn’t until I actually played the various Horde races and learned their stories.

I especially didn’t understand the attraction to the Undead. But once thru Tirisfal Glades and Silverpine Forest on one and I saw past the horrendous smell to the tragedy of their existence and got it.

people play Alliance because being the villain is fun, there aren’t many MMOs besides things like SWTOR that let you play a racist zealot.

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that’s not an excuse

It’s more of a metal vibe than an emo vibe. Velves are the closest things to emo hair styles in the game.

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No, it’s totally emo.

Break down the elements of the Horde:

“Misunderstood misfits” despite their bad acts.

They’re bad but not really bad.

Their bad acts are totally justified in their own eyes because of what was done to them before, despite being the instigators of said previous actions. (ie, nothing they do is their fault).

Their pain is more important than anyone else’s.

Can dish it out, but can’t take it.

Emo teenagers to the core.

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Oh look, another Shreds thread full of him being edgy and controversial for that sweet, sweet attention.


To be fair, the forsaken are not a race. They are undead. Composed of one elf, and the rest humans.

We all play this game together regardless of the faction.

I have friends who play both sides (I do too) and would be nice to play with them every once in a while even if they’re on their Horde characters and vise versa.

Also within lore, there are plenty of pirate and mercenary groups who have unaffiliated mixed races in them.

Honestly, this right here ^^^. Once you’ve put time into the story of each character and see their internal struggles, you find out how very real and well written they are. Not saying that all characters are well written, but in Jaina’s and Anduin’s case I feel they are.

I chose Alliance because it has more characters with ethical views that I typically align with. With each event and every step that Jaina took from wanting peace between factions to deciding her father was right and peace is not possible and going mad from it, or falling in love with Arthas only to later be forced to make the hard decision that he is long gone and unsavable after fighting for so many years to keep him from falling to his own inner turmoil. I could see myself taking those same exact steps if I were put in the same position. Very relatable. Same goes for Anduin. He is always faced with very hard ethical and/or strategic decisions, and based on the circumstances and his experience, he typically makes very real good choices as a leader.

The only characters I’ve found on Horde side with relatable ethical views are Thrall and Baine Bloodhoof. Those are leaders I could see myself following. But there are more on Alliance. Malfurion, Tyranda, Anduin, Jaina, Vereesa, and Khadgar are the main ones. I also think Alliance has more interesting grey characters like Genn Greymane and Alleria Windrunner. Sylvanas used to be an amazing grey character until Afrasiabi got ahold her story, RIP. Other than that, most horde characters seem too simple/bland and easy to predict. They need more layers and complexity written before I’ll ever consider joining horde. I’m not completely against Horde because I know I haven’t read/seen every character’s story yet, but until then…

Also, Horde cities are butt ugly and depressing. I don’t want to look at that every day I play.


i miss the days of making a toon of 1 faction per server. truly dehumanize your enemies, no remorse!

I’m one of those that’s here because friends were initially.

I don’t care one iota about the factions or their conflict. I’m just here to play the game with people and a community I enjoy.

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