Does anyone else struggle to understand why people like the opposite faction?

Path of Glory 2.0? Infrastructure is always a popular investment for any aspiring dictator. Say what you will about Sylvanas, but she always made the zeppelins run on time…

Warcraft has to be the first story ever where all the typical monster races have feelings and honor.

Remember when Zappy Boi went pauldrons off for Saurfang?

It was sweet, but I really just wanted both of them to act like savage monsters.

But that isn’t even a thing. Nobody is evil.

They don’t do that because cartoonish villany is two-dimensional and doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. If Sylvanas murders humans to make new undead, you may call that evil, but I would argue that it’s good because she’s repopulating the Forsaken. That makes it not cartoonish, and as a result, it is believable.

I agree with the Horde returning to a more savage place. I’d love to see a WarChief who had all the best qualities of Garrosh and Sylvanas without their glaring weaknesses.

We should be razing Alliance settlements and establishing footholds throughout the world to secure regional dominance whenever possible.

Too simplistic. If you’ve ever played horde, you see that they’re just people too.

I think of WoW as just one big, fat miscommunication with lots of dumb stuff being done to start wars, etc…

You know, like real life.


I am sure the orcs didn’t do anything wrong ever.

When you’re under the effect of demon blood, you’re no more responsible for your actions than Sylvanas and Arthas were when part of their soul was missing.

Medivh is the one responsible for those attrocities.

Man, that’s not fair. Can’t the alliance get in a little genocide first, as a treat? Mom said it’s our turn!!!

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The orcs chose to join the demons, besides, if WoD is any indication, even if they reject the offer, they aren’t any better.

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Make orcs evil again.

Orcs are savage humanoids with stooped postures, piggish faces, and prominent teeth that resemble tusks. They gather in tribes that satisfy their bloodlust by slaying any humanoids that stand against them.

I joined Alliance when I started this game way back when the tree was still alive and when some players were not even born, I had no idea, it was 17 years ago and all this “I hate Sylvanas” or whatever crap wasn’t even a thing.

But in MoP I moved to Horde, just wanted to try something else, I still didn’t than and I still don’t now really care for the whole hate thing being a reason you choose a certain faction, it makes no real difference to what happens with your character.

But after years on Horde I want to go back to Alliance for no other reason than it looks better, the races, the cities are just nicer on Alliance, however I have friends on Horde so I am stuck here if I want to keep playing with them.

But hopefully in 10.0 they completely remove factions and allow us to just play because than I can move a few characters over and find a bit more enjoyment with this game.

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No, troll.

You belong under bridge.

Arthas chose to pick up Frostmourne.

Sylvanas chose to Power Slide at Arthas like the lead guitarist for an 80s glam rock band.

The orcs chose to drink demon blood.

Uther chose not to smash Arthas’ head like an overripe melon when he had the chance.

In WarCraft, relatively innocent choices often send characters down extremely dark paths with no opportunity to apply the breaks.

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In a round of smash or pass, it was Uther who on that day had chosen to pass.


I think you missed the part where their motivation didn’t change at all even if they didn’t drink demonblood in WoD.

It’s just too ingrained in their nature.

Let orcs be crazy and bloodthirsty like vikings.


I do feel bad for anyone who can’t understand simple concepts though. They must struggle in life to an insane degree. It honestly makes me sad.

That was largely Garrosh’s influence on Grommash. I never said the orcs weren’t easily led. They are. If Thrall had gone back in time and stopped them from drinking the demon blood, he could’ve easily convinced the orcs to settle back into their peaceful, shamanistic lives from generations ago. There’s nothing innate about their drive to conquor or destroy. They simply do as they’re told by their leaders, which is an admitted flaw in the race, and one of the reasons I don’t play orcs.

I’m an individualist first and last, and to say that orcs are prone to bandwagoning would be an understatement.

I generally prefer the alliance aesthetic over the horde one. Boralus and stormwind are great if you ask me.


Honestly, not really. Im jealous of Horde players. Had the vast majority of endgame players and its been ignored until now. I cant wait to play cross-faction; just the announcement made me reinstall because its my #1 most requested feature.

I love doing keys but I burn out waiting in the queue finder looking for decent groups all day, having all of the groups for Horde available too will be game-changing for me. More time spent doing what I want.