Does anyone else struggle to understand why people like the opposite faction?

No lol the friend they followed always already quit.

It’s very easy to understand if you think of it in terms of aesthetics. Alliance is very nostalgic tolkien castles and pirates. It’s pretty neat, but it has few races I care about. So I picked Horde, which has a lot of races I like and some aesthetics I am less enthusiastic about.

At first, I did. But when Sylvanas burned Teldrassil I said, “Alright. She doesn’t look like my WarChief, but she acts like my WarChief. Lok’tar.”

And then I was a Sylvanas loyalist and /spit on Saurfang. And when Sylvanas betrayed us, I turned into shocked Pikachu.


People are social creatures.

We chose WoW to follow the crowd.

Ahhh, now see, that makes sense.

I read the Lord of the Rings books, watched the movies, tried hard to like them, and simply didn’t.

I liked Sam, but disliked every other character for various reasons.

I also didn’t like that they were able to defeat Sauron by destroying a ring. I found it dumb. I can feel people wincing and cringing as I type this, but it gets better:

I don’t like Star Wars either.

WoW might not be the best game. That’s fine. We say we’re here for that. We’re not.

WoW has the best crowd.

WoW’s crowd is the most fun. Yes we fight. Drama is entertaining.

I guess I’m social with my huskies.

And I do post on forums. So that counts, I suppose.

I don’t play WoW with anyone else. I play at the same time as them, but I don’t group or spend time with friends in-game at all. I literally just play the game.

But I do chat in Trade, so you have a point in that regard.

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It’s totally fine to not like things, lol.

Personally, I wish horde got more pretty things (like silvermoon and surumar and the WOD alliance garrison) but generally the rule of thumb is mostly that alliance is neat and tidy and pretty and horde is messy and grungy and cool.


The Horde has a worker mentality. Keep your mouth shut, get along, DO YOUR JOB, grind for gear, log out for the day.

The Alliance is more about drama. It can be very entertaining.

Don’t forget the naughty role-play. As they say in shady corners of the Deeprun Tram: D’ye want to have a look at my Dwarven Hand Cannon?


That’s my aesthetic. I like chaotic occult scrawlings on the wall, melted blood red candles. Spell circles drawn in blood. Altars of bones. Demonic chanting. The smell of sulfur and ozone. Hungry wolves with blood-stained faces, licking their chops as they stalk darkened corridors in search of intruders to devour.

I’d say it lands somewhere between Venthyr and Horde. The big castles and high-fantasy designs fall flat for me. I love the faerie aesthetic of Ardenweald, but that’s as far in that direction as I tend to go. Gilneas is nice because its architecture is somewhat gothic, but Stormwind makes me slightly nauseated.


That is found in almost equal measure on both factions. Yes, Goldshire is more famous because it’s more densely populated, but you’ll find roughly the same number of actual ERPers Hordeside in the Wayfarer’s Rest Inn in Silvermoon City on the Moon Guard server.

To the average person, WoW looks like this:

Alliance is good heroes.

Horde is evil villains.

And to the average person, they want to be good, do what’s right, and even at times be a hero.

Who wants to play a villain? Typically the younger crowd, mischievious types, anti people, destroy destroy destroy types…


How I feel playing Horde:


Yeah that’s just heavy metal aesthetic.

I like it too, but I like a large variety of things. My ideal aesthetic leans cottage core, lmao.

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I don’t believe in good and evil. That’s an invented human trope that boils down to opinions. What you like is good and what you don’t like is evil. None of it is real, so I can’t follow good vs. evil logic in stories because it’s faulty reasoning.

I live by a different standard.

What is a Villain? Someone who opposes you. Every Villain is someone else’s hero.

When Sylvanas burned that tree, I was like:

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Sometimes I think that the people who love one faction over the other were the favoured child and now that they’re adults, they miss that.

I think that just sometimes.

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Some of the early quests are so blatant about it, lmfao. Taking my Zandalari pally through Northrend timewalking and all the while I’m helping the Forsaken put together their new flesh-melting chemical weapon (field-tested on innocents, just like mamma Sylvanas ordered!) I just pictured this scene playing in the back of her head.


I disagree, but to you, I suppose I would be.

I don’t think I like those people.

Okay! So you already see why people would choose Alliance.

And I see why people would like the Horde. I wish the Horde would just stay evil. Give them a Saturday morning cartoon villain! Those are the best.

If the Horde would embrace their darker MONSTER villain side… it could attract even more people.