Does anyone else hate the Festering wound playstyle for Unholy?

Exactly my critique of frost too. The damage scaling on diseases, frost strike and km procs, weird mastery scaling, etc. pretty much made all 3 specs feel like shadows of what they once were. And that’s fine numbers wise (sometimes. DKs have had it pretty rough at times), but the gameplay feels so hollow compared to what it could be if they iterated on an already great system that emphasized management and choice.

I would love to have all the old stuff for DKs back with regards to rotation, Blood/UH/Frost stance, and the old rune system as well.

Along with this the new talent trees could continue to be say (AOE modifiers, Shadowdmg enhancement for scourge strike, and pet builds.)

This with bringing back snapshotting for diseases would be amazing, will they do it though?

I doubt it.


Bad news lads, Wounds are here to stay.

I’m predominantly a classic player and I had the chance to tinker around extensively and experience the old unholy I will be playing in WOTLKC while also enjoying and playing retail UHDK.

My take on the old vs new playstyle is that in retail the biggest problem is that you’re too dependant on cooldowns and your baseline abilities and dots do very little single target damage. Runes originally were powerful, and your plagues did a lot of damage while runic power was comparatively weak.

However this also wasn’t the most smooth playstyle. If your dots drop for any reason or you desync your runes it can go bad very quickly. Short fight lengths are terrible for unholy as you lose value in your dots, spreading your dots was gimmicky and desynced your runes and your AOE was heavily dependant on RNG with wandering plague and DND which would also suffer in retail environments as…well… people move a lot more. Fights where bosses move which happens often in retail would be suffering.

Overall I think wounds could be improved upon - maybe looking at adding some more power to the use of runes and dots would help and a bit less from long cooldowns. If your runes did more, dots did more it would feel more like the original DK without all the clunkyness that came with it. Making a potential build for dots to do real damage instead of your power being mostly on your cd’s and pets could be fun or also suffering depending on fight length.

The coolest thing they could do is redo runes to make them have a bit more depth.


The festering wounds concept does not fit unholy at all. The original disease and minions iteration was exactly what unholy’s theme was. It had the sledgebelcher minion upgrade, necrotic plague, blood boil and pestilence to interactively spread the diseases, the gargoyle doing increased damage based on the player’s strength stat, and more. It was actually fun playing unholy before Legion.


MYGAWD, do I hate the WOONS!

I cannot express how much hate them, but it’s bad. Really really bad. And I love UH as a theme. So much that I either suffer the woons or just shelf my DK because I refuse to play Frost (nothing against it, just not my flavor) and I don’t tank so Blood is not an option either.


superstrain lego + anduin seal turns it into
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, on epic bg

with Festermight coming back. Popping wounds will feel better since you are making yourself stronger with every pop. But even with it, I am not a fan.


Its ANOTHER thing we need to track and play around, definitely not a fan. Situations will happen where you are holding off on using cooldowns because you are about to drop your Festermight stacks, and that feels really bad when it happens.

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since the change to this combo point style of play, i have never play the spec since

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