I’m just wondering if anyone else feels the same and doesn’t like the whole Festering Wound playstyle.
For me personally, I prefer the old playstyle of applying diseases and DOTs and doing magic damage while you and your pet slowed them down and brought them down. Talents like Ebon Plaguebringer and Crypt Fever were great. I like bringing out a bunch of ghouls but this whole thing of applying wounds then bursting them as a builder spender on each enemy is very dull and slow. I like Unholy because I have zombie minions but the playstyle of it keeps me away.
Does anyone else feel the same or have similar thoughts on it? Maybe a few ideas on how Blizzard could improve it?
Yes. Very much so. They’re effectively vanilla combo points and just a meh mechanic. You’ll get people probably chiming in about how good it is for fester cleave in AoE, numbers aside it’s clunky and not fun.
MoP Throne of Thunder was the best Unholy had every been. Festerblight was so rewarding when done correctly.
i HATE when ppl say some mecanic is good bc of the number holy jesus makes me feel like im not playing a video game, im a data analyzer lol
it would be a fun mechanic if there was some actual boom to the burst
Still would like the idea of wounds bursting turning into stacks of necrotic plague. I’m just sick of them now though, was cool in legion but I want something different 
I think it takes away from what unholy could be, creatively and mechanically, and makes it into a combo point spec effectively.
So no, I don’t especially like wounds. It only feels good when you play a particular branch of the spec with a particular set up and a group who pulls half a dungeon and actually stays in your DnD.
Unholy could be so much better.
Meh, I feel kind of indifferent about it.
It’s not like I really don’t like it. But also I won’t really miss it when it is gone either.
I’m fine with it.
I think it’s helpful to remember that Festering Wounds came about at the time that runes were changed to a single type, so they wanted a system/mechanic to make sure that more than one rune ability was being used frequently, and that there was variance in how they were used. Could there be a better mechanic to encourage two primary rune spenders? Sure; I’m not married to pimple popping, but I do think it does achieve the goals they were going for- and that those goals were successful in making the rotation feel sufficiently different from that of Frost.
Festering Wound as a mechanic to replace the lack of multiple diseases is fine, if it actually served that purpose. It currently doesn’t. It serves no purpose whatsoever except to exist.
Festering Strike however has no reason to exist whatsoever, and the fact that its the first ability in the Unholy DF tree instead of Scourge Strike goes to show how incompetent and lazy whoever who in charge of Death Knights is. Its already an insult that Clawing Shadows replaces Scourge Strike entirely, so for all intent an purpose Scourge Strike no longer exists for Unholy.
Unholy could be separated into at least two types of playstyles: one centered around maximizing your pet(s) and the other around non-pet stuff. Festering Wound can then function based on the needs for each subspec: Big Scourgestrike / Doom Coil hits (similar to 2H Frost) or Apocalypse Tier 2pc style (SL 9.2 style) for armies of minions.
With current development its better to hope for WotLK Classic style moving forward in a separate timeline away from the failiure of Cata-onward expansions that have largely deviated from the spirit of WoW to supplant their own “vision” at the expense of a franchise.
Not a fan of the 3 button unholy spec.
1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2
So many buttons.
So complicated.
They need to bring back snapshotting and diseases that do damage.
Unholy in mop was fun.
ive hated the wound popping since it was added. liked unholy way more in mop/wod.
Gratz on today’s dumbest statement.
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It’s a don’t hate it, but don’t love it relationship for me. I wouldn’t mind seeing some more oomph behind bursting them though. Reminds me of a rogue before combo points were on the mob instead of on the toon.
It’s not a fun or unique playstyle and it doesn’t really have a payoff, aside from making your rotation less terrible due to resource starvation.
Let’s face it, they just slapped on wounds in Legion because they were changing how runes worked and they needed something to patch over the holes. Unfortunately they never followed through on the design so we’ve been stuck with something that feels unfinished for almost 4 expansions now.
On top of that they basically killed off the disease playstyle of Unholy, which is perhaps the greater crime here.
Wounds should’ve really been a v1, an alpha, or a rough draft for incorporating Necrotic Plague as Unholy’s main mechanic. Not only was NP wildly fun and popular, but it fits the Unholy theme amazingly well.
If they don’t bring NP back for DF, it’s going to be yet another missed opportunity to actually improve the spec in a creative way that is backed by the players.
It just feels very underwhelming at times with a current dps value that makes me think my auto attack can accomplish the same thing with less effort.
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Im not a fan. Im glad with the latest update qe have some good changes coming.
The new build, while good, doesn’t change the wound playstyle at all.
if plaguebearer makes it live, it would upset AoE and M+, you basically run up, FS a target to 6 wounds, dump some RP while hopefully using your last 30 on plaguebearer to spread wounds, then drop DND and spam SS/CS, bursting sores on top of that should be quite explosive and with a 45 sec CD, you will be able to do that for every pull. this should make wounds fun again.
These recent changes that they are doing with wound for unholy pretty much throws all of my complaints about wounds feeling weird to play around with in the trash.
As of now just seeing what they are doing I can honestly say that wounds do not bother me anymore. With more changes it could be fantastic. I’d still like the old plaguespreading machine back, but this is alright