Does anyone believe the TBCC team (if there is one) is looking at BG data?

I’m highly skeptical. Is there any website that tracks BG win/loss rates, even for retail? What about open world PvP? Seems highly unlikely.


Yes I believe they have the data.


Not really, I’m fairly confident they already made the decision to cater to horde and didn’t even consider trying anything else first like faction transfers.


i dont think their company uses external websites to track these things


When Apple posts how many people bought their phones, they didn’t go to applephonesales . com.

Of course they have the data. Stop trying to make some pro horde conspiracy come true.


cringe, wish there was a downvote

take the tinfoil hat off


There’s addons that track battleground W/L rates. How about people post their own data in this thread?

Do you think that any other alternative was even seriously considered?


:confused: Why wouldn’t they have the data? Seriously?


Alliance: Omg HvH battlegrounds wont stop horde players from camping us! We are being farmed! and we keep losing battlegrounds because horde are too good!!

Blizz: Our data shows that wpvp deaths are 50/50 and battleground win rates are 50/50



i think its funny this 15 year old game is still in… beta testing


Now show us the actual raw data not just whatever highly messaged report generated those numbers.


I think a more telling question is - after no one ever asked, why would blizzard monitor and post the open world pvp statistics?

The statistic is obviously cherry picked to lay the groundwork for a change that they’ve already all but implemented, its there to make some alliance think that this is good for them. Its a hilarious concept.

“The people who are murdering you in 2:1 death squads are temporarily not going to be murdering you as they are busy on vacation learning how to murder better, congratulations”

Where do these horde locusts go when they are no longer appeased by honor gear because they’ve gotten it all? Into the world ofcourse.

Talk about short term solutions.


If they did you would just say its a photoshop. So why bother.

I believe they did look at data.
they assigned a blizzard employee to play the last weekend test as horde. he/she won around 1/2 the bg’s ques.
decided to go out and wpvp when facing the only alliance in sight fought 4 times lost 2. that comes to a 50/50 % wpvp


Pretty sure there’s an entire thread where a blue actually said:

Seems to me they’re paying attention.

Yes, I believe the experts here with access to the data.

It makes sense that the win rates would be 50% for each side.

Brilliant alternatives suggested in numerous repetitive threads on this forum like “punish the Horde,” “buff the Alliance,” or “introduce faction transfers”?

I am glad to say no, I do not believe Blizzard ever considered doing any of those things. That doesn’t mean they’re lying when they say they have and are looking at Battleground statistical information; it just means they know an awful idea when they read one a dozen times.

That’s not how raw data works :slight_smile:

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Better than them let it sit and rot and never improve and loss their entire base.