Does anyone believe the TBCC team (if there is one) is looking at BG data?

I don’t think you understood my comment. Not surprising considering you think Blizzard’s data is wrong.

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I didn’t say it was wrong did I? I asked for the raw data that generated those numbers.

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hmm game was fine. classic was fine with no improvements (despite the outrageous amount of gold buyers) .The improving is destroying the game. a well made game. some have quit because of improvements. but i guess its ok now as long as a hand full like the changes.


Some have quit, more have not.

They are lying or they would actually post the data. Its 100% fabricated.

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Why are they being so shady…

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You probably should have your ability to make posts revoked. Getting a bit ridiculous at this point.

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Blizzard has probably built one of the biggest data driven MMOs in the industry. That is why Ion and others come out and say things are going well much to the chagrin of the people playing the game.

So i 100% believe they look at data. Thats the reason they send out those surveys. Now if you want to say do they listen to the data the players or there guts. Well now your asking questions that cant be answered. Though i would guess Blizzard would say its a mix of all three for whatever you want to believe the ratios play out…

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Some people on these forums won’t be satisfied unless they personally go over to blizz HQ and see the data for themselves. And even then, they’ll find something else to complain about.

They have the data but I have no faith they will interpret it correctly. History has shown a long series of terrible decisions by recent Blizzard regarding WoW.

Most likely, and this is where they landed.

Just because it’s something you don’t like doesn’t mean that blizzard didn’t do their homework on it or that their conclusion is “wrong”.

Based upon recent real world events, we should all know the silliness of this way of thinking.

Anecdotal “evidence” from the QQ on the forums is exactly that, blizzard made this game and they’re the best at pulling data from their servers, etc lol.

Take the tinfoil hat off

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They most likely are, but I don’t think they look at it in context of the rest of the game, and I don’t think they look at factions - just players as a whole. This causes issues when talking about the, “majority” - as that’s already Horde.

Cater to horde.

Yes the multibillion dollar company with likely a team of people looking at BG data you dont have access to. Who dont give a damn about factions are fixing a problem that is literally costing them money. They are fixing Qs, not a faction you crybabies.

This has to do with players quitting due to Q times, not some perceived faction bias lol.

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Why? You read the statements made by kaivax, that pvp world kills were roughly 50/50 before and during the test.

Are you saying that’s wrong? It doesn’t take into account server by server statistics but that’s not the point they’re trying to make.

The issue is that the queue times are what they are now because of faction imbalance. If they addressed the underlying issue, it would have prevented the current one.


I’m more talking about the participation, how many Alliance BGs were played vs. Horde BGs, and the underlying problem getting worse due to this change.

As others have said, how can they know the true winrate when these are same faction BGs, and there would likely have been many HvH BGs?


The problem they set out to fix was Horde queue times. You’re wanting them to focus on other problems, not other solutions.

Because they specifically spoke to this part in the blue post.

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I don’t think it’s outside the realm of possibility that the company that created this game can gather data like that. You think they get their data from

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True, and I’m not against that, but we don’t really know what the outcome would have been. This is far more straightforward from their point of view I would assume.

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If an underlying problem creates another problem, simply treating the caused problem doesn’t fix the underlying issue - and it will likely cause more problems.

It’s like treating for symptoms rather than condition.

It’s just ridiculous they go this far instead of trying literally anything else, and have said nothing about the underlying problem - like they don’t even recognize it’s a thing.

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