Does anyone actually LIKE what DBM/BigWigs has done to the game?

The most recent change I can think of is not being able to modify friendly hp bars while in an instance, because of Star Argur where there was a weak auras that put markers on everyone head to guide them, basically negating 1 of the most important mechanics.

I’m glad to hear someone else say it because I’ve been feeling this for years.

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What’s the last raid you did my man?

I didn’t say it did. In fact, I said that DBM has caused fights to get more complex. However it does trivialize certain mechanics. For example. Boss gets an enrage buff, DBM screams at you “DISPEL ENRAGE NOW” In big bold letters across your entire screen and gives you a sound notification. Congratz. You might as well make DBM push your Tranq shot too!

This is what I’m talking about primarily! Instead of having to watch for a debuff, even if it was through Weak Auras where you had a MASSIVE icon on your screen, you just watch for the marker. And everyone else knows exactly who has that debuff because of a marker above their head that was placed their via an addon, not via a person. That 100% makes it a stupid mechanic. Might as well remove it. Now granted, some people STILL manage to fail at it, but meh.

Nobody does this anymore, they straight up jump to the guide. If they try to do this as learn on the go they get kicked 9 out of 10 times.

However this learning phase does exist in the first few opening weeks of the raid , so enjoy it as much as you can .

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What boss gets an enrage buff that needs to be dispelled?

Considering I skipped all of BFA. Last raid I did was Mythic ToS. My guild disbanded and I didn’t have the energy to look for another guild. Raiding and dungeons are my only interest. So if it doesn’t further that goal, I have no interest in anything else the game offers.

Whats the last game you designed?

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Dude… it’s a hypothetical situation, do you really not see the problem with that scenario?

This thread seems silly.

DBM/BigWigs aren’t even the most powerful addons for raiding, WeakAuras is, by far.


This was mentioned. And I agree to it. I even admitted that above.

Oh! I missed that part.

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Your hypothetical situation is based off a raid encounter from molten core.

Most mythic raiders just use timers to figure out cooldown usage.

I feel like Blizzard should pretend DBM doesn’t exist when developing raids. Too many bosses feel overly convoluted because they want to have them be challenging in spite of the addon you installed to make them less challenging, in flagrant disregard for your player agency.

The supercomplicated bosses (like Mythic Azshara) aren’t made easier by DBM, though.

right now it’s like the alien face hugger.

Rip it off and you kill the patient. Raids are tuned to the addon

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Ok, fine. You get a debuff that explodes, You get the sound notification and a skull on your head. Why not have an addon that moves you to the corner of the room while you’re at it? I understand that you run a mythic raiding guild and are top 500. But again, this conversation has moved more towards Weakauras being extremely strong over DBM. Ya, arguably I was not aware of the strength of WA due to not having played at all during BFA and last raiding in Legion. You’re trying to tell me that the only use for any addons in a raid is for timers to figure out CD usage? You don’t use any WA’s to mark a target or anything like that? Seriously?

Well yeah. They either overcompensate, or break stuff for no reason (like the ability to have a radar HUD showing you how many players you’re standing by and whether you need to stack or spread.

My favorite was what Blizzard did to friendly nameplates after how people were doing Mythic Star Augur.

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Ever use a teleprompter weakaura? Very nice for time-coded fights. On encounters where everything is determined by the clock, you can just type in instructions on exactly what to do (kill this, move to the x ground marker, use this cooldown here, etc.). It needs to be set up specifically for how the group is doing it, but it’s very nice for teaching people fights.

Even teleprompter weakauras, though, are just automation for something that could be done without it. Just have somebody with a stopwatch calling everything out during the fight like in the old old old days.