Does any Alliance player feel cheated by the ARs?

I wonder what happened to the mounted combat from Wrath, too. Oh well. The graveyard of what could have been…

I know zots are limited, but those were box promises. Alas and alack.

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May as well say Blood Elves infringed on Humans then, since Humans had the natural skin tones and hair colors first.

Or should we say Nightborne infringed on Night Elves for having the hair colors and skin tones like those that Night Elves have?

Dunno what to say to you. Its not my fault Blizzard put High Elves on the Alliance, kept shoving them in Alliance player’s faces, and then lived out the shocked pikachu meme when Alliance players wanted to play as their High Elves.

I still can’t figure out why they didn’t make the original Void Elves out of the Silver Covenant, and instead went with some random group of Blood Elves. I have suspicions and speculation there only.


I hated mounted combat so much.

Humans deliver the traditional elf fantasy that BEs on the Thalassian model delivered?

When you say, “traditional elf fantasy,” can you be more specific? Because Blood Elves certainly aren’t like Tolkien’s elves in any way other than looks, and that was largely because the original High Elves were based on them.

I agree. We should delete humans, dwarves, gnomes, and elves.

/silly :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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My biggest complaint about Mecha-gnomes is, why no pink hair? Uncool Blizzard, uncool.

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I will admit I don’t mourn that tooooooooo too much.

Though it would have been fun to get my orc shaman on her wolf with her ghost wolves and her wolf hat and just bury someone in wolves.

I really feel the Void Elves in particular were just left behind lore-wise and . After Telogrus (the starting zone in the void) and all the talk about fighting the voices trying to corrupt them and the constant fight against them there is nothing. Where are quests for the void elves? Where is something unique to do, even specialized lore, something other than just another player doing the same content.


Sounds like me on my vulpera hunter with a fox mount, fox pet, fox battlepet.

The only real thing I feel cheated is the Mechagnomes. It is not what I expected it to be, and its certainly NOT what I wanted either. I was hoping it would have been Sethraks. And when Blizzard first announced Mechagnomes, I thought it was the titan-made mechagnomes… Not the cyborgs we know now. So, the day they introduced the Mechagnomes, I saw what they were and the day they announced the next line of Allied Races, I was more disappointed it ended up being that the Mechagnomes were the chosen bunch. It was clear they went with it because it was easy to work with, already existing model, some fine-tuning for their mechanical bodies, etc. I get it but I still HATE IT.

You’d think they’d at least toss out a short story or something, even if they can’t be bothered adding stuff to the game.

I’m referring to people like Lanni above, who literally said like 5 minutes ago that void elves already got enough updates.

Wasn’t referring to blizzard~

I will fight you.


My vulpera is a protection/PvP arms warrior because I hate everyone’s ankles. And because tanking as the smallest party member is satisfying.

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It would have to be a dance battle with aggressive jazz hands because my 240ish ilevel would smash your 195.

I usually just try to tank on the most naked or most extra.

Well. I’d probably hop on the moonkin.

Or we could battle it out in the 40-50 level bracket where I’ve been loitering.

…I haven’t really enjoyed Shadowlands at max level, if I’m honest.

I really want to get my guildmate to heal dungeons on her Lady Gaga character with this guy. I’d also like to see more parodies, like a Beyonce and a Britney join us. I’ll take an Elton John too.

I don’t really mind, but I also don’t think that the Alliance particularly needs oddball races, especially now with faction walls coming down. Better to let the Horde and Alliance both have their own distinct flavors than be hue-shifts of each other.

I think mechagnomes should have been gnome customization and alliance should have gotten sethrak. I think that would have been a much better choice and makes sense from a lore perspective.